Miller Electric Big Blue 600D manual Duty Cycle And Overheating, AC Generator Power

Page 15

3-4. Duty Cycle And Overheating

100% Duty Cycle At 600 Amperes

Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 min- utes that unit can weld at rated load without overheating.

YExceeding duty cycle can damage unit and void warranty.

Continuous Welding











































































































































sb1.1 8/93 SB-134 397-C

3-5. AC Generator Power

The ac power curve shows the gen- erator power in amperes available at the 120 and 240 volt receptacles.

rsb3.1 2/92 – ST-109 365-C

OM-481 Page 11

Image 15
Contents OM-481 ProcessesDescription From Miller to You Table of Contents Page ARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Symbol UsageArc Welding Hazards Electric Shock can killEngine Hazards Engine Heat can cause fire Battery Explosion can BlindMoving Parts can cause injury Engine Exhaust Gases can killARC Welding can cause interference Principal Safety StandardsEMF Information Radiation can cause interferenceLES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereux Signification des symbolesConsignes DE SÉ Curité Lire Avant Utilisation UN Choc É Lectrique peut tuerLE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe LE Soudage peut provoquer un in- cendie ou une explosionDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux DES PIÈ CES Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brû lures gravesLA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessures’EXPLOSION DE LA Batterie peut LA Chaleur DU Moteur peut pro- voquer un incendieConsignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaques Principales normes de sé curitéInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques LE Soudage À L’ARC risque de provoquer des interfé rencesDefinitions SpecificationsSymbols And Definitions Weld, Power, And Engine SpecificationsDo not exceed operating angles Dimensions, Weights, And Operating AnglesDo not move or operate unit where it could tip Fuel Consumption100% Duty Cycle At 600 Amperes AC Generator PowerExceeding duty cycle can damage unit and void warranty Duty Cycle And OverheatingVolt-Ampere Curves For Constant Current CC Mode For Constant Voltage CV ModeInstallation Installing Welding GeneratorConnecting The Battery Engine Prestart Checks Installing Exhaust Pipe And Rain CapSelecting Weld Cable Sizes Connecting To Weld Output TerminalsSocket Remote 14 Receptacle RC3 InformationTerminal Strip 3T Connections Stop engineOpen right side door Terminal Strip 3T Strain Relief Front Panel Controls Do not switch under loadDo not run engine until problem is fixed Operating the Welding GeneratorOperating Auxiliary Equipment Example Of Remote Amperage ControlVolt Duplex Gfci Receptacles 50 h Maintenance & TroubleshootingRoutine Maintenance Volt Duplex Receptacle Optional500 h 100 h200 h 250 hMaintenance Label Do not clean housing with air hose Servicing Air CleanerBy the warranty To clean air filterServicing Fuel And Lubrication Systems Overload Protection Adjusting Engine SpeedTo replace belt To adjust belt tensionChecking And Replacing Engine Belt Servicing Optional Spark ArrestorSpeed Control Lever Overspeed Shutdown Valve Adjusting Overspeed Shutdown ValveWelding TroubleshootingEngine Generator Power TroubleCircuit Diagram For Welding Generator Electrical Diagram194 139-B RUN-IN Procedure WetstackingWelding Generator From flammables Do not Perform Run-In Procedure Using Load BankProcedure at less than Stop engine Do not touch hot exhaustDo not perform run-in Run-In Procedure Using Resistance GridBank/grid From flammablesGenerator Power Guidelines Selecting EquipmentGrounding Generator To Truck Or Trailer Frame Amperes x Volts = Watts Grounding When Supplying Building SystemsHow Much Power Does Equipment Require? Earth ground if supplyingFarm/Home Equipment Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Approximate Power Requirements For Industrial MotorsApproximate Power Requirements For Farm/Home Equipment Industrial Motors Rating Starting Watts Running WattsContractor Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Approximate Power Requirements For Contractor EquipmentKVA/HP x HP x Power Required To Start MotorHow Much Power Can Generator Supply? Single-Phase Induction Motor Starting RequirementsWork like a Pro Typical Connections To Supply Standby PowerCurrent Load Watts Amperes Selecting Extension Cord Use Shortest Cord Possible66 71 74 73 Parts List60Fig Dia Part Description Mkgs Quantity Shunt Panel, Front w/Components Panel, Front w/Components -1 Item 13 14 23 22 21 2524 Panel, Front Lower w/ComponentsPanel, Front Lower w/Components -1 Item Control Box -1 Item Generator -1 Item OM-481 Page Page Service Your distributor also givesSupport Miller Electric Mfg. Co Owner’s Record