In 1981, the stories of a magical urn hidden away within the century old Graves' Manor in the town of Spirit Bay enticed foolhardy explorers to enter. Unsubstantiated reports of people disappearing were attributed to the mansion, but these reports were dismissed as pure fiction by the authorities. Rumors abounded that adventurers to the haunted house were being scared to death by supernatural forces. Eventually, a broken urn was recovered and restored by one brave adventurer. That individual recounted a tale of being pursued by giant tarantulas, vampire bats, and the ghost of old man Zachary Graves himself. The adventurer also claimed that a master key helped to open doors locked for years and an ancient scepter warded off most of the ghastly creatures of the mansion, but that both of these items were lost during the frantic escape from the house...
“I barely escaped with my life...” - The Adventurer
The urn sat on a trophy shelf for over two decades until it was spirited away one stormy night. Then the townsfolk of Spirit Bay claimed that mysterious events began occurring again around the condemned building of Graves' Manor. They blamed the spirit of Zachary Graves, and devised a plan to stop the unexplainable on goings. It was rumored that Graves was buried in a crypt under his own house.
The urn sat on a trophy shelf for over two decades until it was spirited away one stormy night. Then the townsfolk of Spirit Bay claimed that mysterious events began occurring again around the condemned building of Graves' Manor. They blamed the spirit of Zachary Graves, and devised a plan to stop the unexplainable on goings. It was rumored that Graves was buried in a crypt under his own house.
“Preposterous! One would not be buried under one's own home. His body would more
likely be decaying in a nearby cemetery. The rumors are unfounded!” - Tony
Believing that he was in league with sinister forces, some people decided to break into the mansion, find the crypt, and desecrate the body by removing his head to destroy his powers. They would then cast his head into the deep caverns near the manor. Despite the warnings and common sense of many others, these people broke into the house but were never heard from again...
“People shouldn't be messing around with things that are none of their business!” - Jono
Unfortunately, after the
“Old man Graves is very, very angry...” - Old man Johnson
It is now 2004 and you enter Graves Manor in order to return the skull of Zachary Graves to its proper resting place in the newly discovered crypt beneath the house.
"Nonsense! He would have been buried in a cemetery, I say!” - Tony