Atari CX-2600 manual Difficulty Switches

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Computer Method - When computing its next move, the computer does what is called a "tree search" using "alpha-beta" pruning. What this means is that the computer picks a move, then picks a countermove by its opponent. Depending on the difficulty level, the computer continues making moves and countermoves. At some point, it evaluates the board to see how many pieces each side has, and what sort of position the pieces are in. The computer does this for various combinations of moves and picks the move which will be most advantageous of itself, assuming that its opponent will do the same. Alpha-beta pruning is a technique which is used to reduce the number of moves which must be examined.

The game number determines how many "plies" deep the computer goes in the tree. One "ply" is a move by one-player. Technically, a "move" is considered to be two-ply (one move by each player). For example, in Game 1 the computer only looks one ply deep. However, if there is a jump, the computer keeps searching until there are no further jumps, regardless of the game number.

The computer becomes progressively more intelligent as the difficulty level is increased. At level 1 (Game 1), the computer does no positional checking. It simply counts the number of pieces on the board, giving extra weight to kings. At level 4 and above, all of the positional checking is brought into play, including king row protection, and center and double corner control.

Difficulty Switches

Right Difficulty Switch: In the "B" position, the left player in a two-player game, or a single player in a one-player game is "black" and starts the game. In the "A" position, the right player in a two-player game or the computer player in a one-player game is "black" and starts.

Switching the right difficulty switch when it is your turn to play will cause you to trade sides with the computer. The computer will take over your pieces and make the next move.

Left Difficulty Switch: Use the "B" position for normal game play. Use the "A" position to setup the board. In the set up mode, use the left Joystick to place pieces on the board wherever you want. Move the cursor to the square in which you wish to place a piece. It does not matter if the square is empty or occupied. Press the button on the Joystick and the pieces of each color will flash in that square. When the piece you want is flashing in the square, release the button. To continue game play return the left difficulty switch to the "B" position.

The left difficulty switch is not "checked" while the computer is working on the next move. This means that moving the switch when the computer is computing a move has no immediate effect on the move.


The Joystick is used to move the cursor and/or the checkers around the board. The cursor is a red or white "X" (dark grey or white on a black-and-white television). The color of the cursor indicates whose turn it is. The cursor can only be moved diagonally on the black squares.

To move one of your checkers, push the red controller button when the cursor is in the same square as the piece you wish to move. This "picks up" the piece. Then move the checker to the square you wish to occupy. To complete the move, push the controller button again. This "drops" the piece. Before you have dropped the piece, the computer will allow you to return it to the square it came from and move a different piece. After you have made you move, the computer will make its move. You can use the set up mode to take back moves or rearrange the board while it is your move.


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Contents Model CX-2600 Contents Hardware Precautions and Maintenance Health Warnings and PrecautionsGetting Started Connecting the Joystick Controllers Game Console SpecificationsTroubleshooting Main Menu ExplanationSky’s The Limit Arcade FavoritesArcade Asteroidstm 1 or 2 Players Controls/Game PlaySpecial Features Game VariationsFlip Difficulty SwitchesHelpful Hints Young Children’s VersionsScoring Controls Arcade Pong 1 or 2 PlayersSpecial Note Space Just Got a Bit Deadlier Asteroids Deluxetm 1 or 2 PlayersZylor Ships Killer Satellites Super Tanks You’re Combat ReadyTanks FightersYour Radar Screen Game Number Skill LevelTank Centipede 1 or 2 Players Sparking the Evil InsectsFlea CentipedeSpider ScorpionLunar Lander 1 Player Can You Land Safely?Rid Your Garden of those Bothersome Bugs Millipedetm 1 or 2 PlayersSurvival Tips Bonus Life BeetleMissile Command 1 or 2 Players Defend your CitiesStarting Wave Slow/Fast Target ControlSmart Enemy Cruise Missile/Dumb Enemy Cruise Missile Childrens GamesEnemy Cruise Missiles Points Space Objects/Scoring Space Dueltm 1 or 2 PlayersHow Good a Shot Are You? Space StationsKeys to the Kingdom Adventure TerritoryAdventuretm 1 Player Good MagicGood Or Bad Magic Bad MagicLevel Adventure Iitm 1 Player Keys to the Kingdoms Good Or Bad Magic Objects Haunted House 1 PlayerIt’s Enough To Scare You To Death UrnCreatures SoundsGame Game Retrun to Haunted Housetm 1 Player Barely escaped with my life... The AdventurerPrepare To Be Scared to Death……Again Creatures Level 1 Floor Plan TV-Type SwitchLevel 2 Floor Plan Level Storage AreaReturn To Haunted House Homebrew Team Thanks to the following for additional assistanceSecret Questtm 1 Player Save The Human RaceSonic Keys Weapon Strength Value Energy UsedOxygen Bottles and Energy Pods Status Screen?Strategy It’s Hunting Time… Wizardtm 1 PlayerWizardTM Variations Skill And Action Zone Play In a New Dimension3D TIC-TAC-TOE1 or 2 Players Game Matrix Explore The Ocean Depths Aquaventure TM 1 PlayerPoints Play Ball The Umpire Cries Atari Climbertm 1 PlayerCredits Difficulty Combat 1 or 2 PlayersMissile Action Tank GamesInvisible Tank-Pong Games Tank-Pong GamesInvisible Tank Games Bi-Plane GamesGame No Sky Type Missile Type Jet-Fighter GamesGame No Planes vs Maze Type Missile Type Combat Iitm 2 Players All Out Tank WarfareDodge To Win Dodge ‘EMTM 1 or 2 PlayersGames Left difficulty switch Handicap Difficulty SwitchRight difficulty switch Fatal RUN 1 or 2 Players Playing The GameStrategy Frog Pondtm 2 Players Ribbit, RibbitHangman 1 or 2 Players Guess Correctly To Avoid the Hangman’s NooseHangman 1-Player Games Hangman 2-Player Computer GamesHangman 2-Player Opponent Games Human Cannonballtm 1 or 2 Players Be a daredevilScoring Your beat is the mean streets of Atari Central… Maze Crazetm 1 or 2 PlayersGame Selection Variations Blazing Brickbats and Blackbirds OFF the Walltm 1 or 2 PlayersZig Zag Z Magnetic Paddle M Level of DifficultyPlaying Tips Nuke Ball bombHandicap Outlawtm 1 or 2 PlayersGot An Itchy Trigger Finger? Gunslinger’s CodeGunslinger Two-Player Games Game1Target Shoot One-Player Games Scoring Hazards Of Pitfall!TM PITFALL!TM 1 PlayerPitfall!TM Basics Getting The Feel Of Pitfall!TMHow To Seek Your Fortune With Pitfall Harry Tips from David Crane, designer of Pitfall!TMRadar Locktm 1 or 2 PLAYERs Enemy Jet at 12 o’ clockTwo-Player Games Instrument PanelOne-Player Games WeaponsEnemy Fleet Machine GunsProximity Missiles MissionsMission 4 Stealth Fighters Mission 2 Interceptors and PatrollersMission 3 Bombers Mission 5 Super BombersPage River RAID 1 or 2 Players Special Features Of River RaidRiver Raid Basics Game Select and Difficulty How To Become a River RaiderTips from Carol Shaw, designer of River Raid Save Marytm 1 Player Hurry, The Water Is RisingVideo Checkerstm 1 Player Sport Of KingsBeginning The Game Difficulty Switches Strategy Video Chesstm 1 Player CheckmatePage Skill Levels Page Caverns of Marstm 1 or 2 Players Space StationMartian Defense System Refueling Understanding The Screen And Your MissionCommander Selecting a Skill LevelPoints for Distance Traveled Defend the Quad Quadruntm 1 PlayerHints Scoring Saboteurtm 1 Player Hotot To The RescueGame Variations Space WAR 1 or 2 Players Space GlossaryMay the force be with you GamePlayer Space Module Games Space WAR Strategy Tips Yars Revengetm 1 or 2 Players Game Games 6102 Yars Returntm 1 or 2 Players 104 105 Credits Help Via the Internet Help Via Telephone in the United States & CanadaTerms And Conditions CopyrightLimitation of Liability Choice of LAW and Venue