Atari CX-2600 manual Game Matrix

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can probably win. Continue to force the opponent to block until you have two three-in-a rows which cannot both be blocked in one move.

When planning your moves during a game, don't lose sight of the fact that your opponent is doing the same. Blocking your opponent's markers is equally important to establishing a strategy of your own.

It has been proven that first player to move can always win, provided he or she plays a perfect game. The computer on the other, has a degree of randomness programmed into its play, so it will not always play a perfect game, even at the highest skill level (8). This gives the opponent a chance to win, if he or she is a skill player.

Game Matrix


Number of Moves The

Computer's Aproximate Move Time


Computer Looks Ahead




1/2 Second



3 Seconds Or Less



1 Minute Or Less



3 Minutes Or Less



10 Minutes Or Less



10 Minutes Or Less



10 Minutes Or Less



20 Minutes Or Less


Image 45
Contents Model CX-2600 Contents Health Warnings and Precautions Hardware Precautions and MaintenanceGetting Started Game Console Specifications Connecting the Joystick ControllersMain Menu Explanation TroubleshootingArcade Asteroidstm 1 or 2 Players Arcade FavoritesSky’s The Limit Controls/Game PlayGame Variations Special FeaturesHelpful Hints Difficulty SwitchesFlip Young Children’s VersionsScoring Arcade Pong 1 or 2 Players ControlsSpecial Note Asteroids Deluxetm 1 or 2 Players Space Just Got a Bit DeadlierZylor Ships Killer Satellites Tanks You’re Combat ReadySuper Tanks FightersGame Number Skill Level Your Radar ScreenTank Sparking the Evil Insects Centipede 1 or 2 PlayersSpider CentipedeFlea ScorpionCan You Land Safely? Lunar Lander 1 PlayerMillipedetm 1 or 2 Players Rid Your Garden of those Bothersome BugsSurvival Tips Beetle Bonus LifeDefend your Cities Missile Command 1 or 2 PlayersSmart Enemy Cruise Missile/Dumb Enemy Cruise Missile Slow/Fast Target ControlStarting Wave Childrens GamesEnemy Cruise Missiles Points How Good a Shot Are You? Space Dueltm 1 or 2 PlayersSpace Objects/Scoring Space StationsAdventuretm 1 Player Adventure TerritoryKeys to the Kingdom Good MagicBad Magic Good Or Bad MagicLevel Adventure Iitm 1 Player Keys to the Kingdoms Good Or Bad Magic It’s Enough To Scare You To Death Haunted House 1 PlayerObjects UrnSounds CreaturesGame Game Barely escaped with my life... The Adventurer Retrun to Haunted Housetm 1 PlayerPrepare To Be Scared to Death……Again Creatures TV-Type Switch Level 1 Floor PlanLevel 2 Floor Plan Storage Area LevelThanks to the following for additional assistance Return To Haunted House Homebrew TeamSave The Human Race Secret Questtm 1 PlayerOxygen Bottles and Energy Pods Weapon Strength Value Energy UsedSonic Keys Status Screen?Strategy Wizardtm 1 Player It’s Hunting Time…WizardTM Variations Play In a New Dimension Skill And Action Zone3D TIC-TAC-TOE1 or 2 Players Game Matrix Aquaventure TM 1 Player Explore The Ocean DepthsPoints Atari Climbertm 1 Player Play Ball The Umpire CriesCredits Missile Action Combat 1 or 2 PlayersDifficulty Tank GamesInvisible Tank Games Tank-Pong GamesInvisible Tank-Pong Games Bi-Plane GamesJet-Fighter Games Game No Sky Type Missile TypeGame No Planes vs Maze Type Missile Type All Out Tank Warfare Combat Iitm 2 PlayersDodge ‘EMTM 1 or 2 Players Dodge To WinGames Handicap Difficulty Switch Left difficulty switchRight difficulty switch Playing The Game Fatal RUN 1 or 2 PlayersStrategy Ribbit, Ribbit Frog Pondtm 2 PlayersGuess Correctly To Avoid the Hangman’s Noose Hangman 1 or 2 PlayersHangman 2-Player Computer Games Hangman 1-Player GamesHangman 2-Player Opponent Games Be a daredevil Human Cannonballtm 1 or 2 PlayersScoring Maze Crazetm 1 or 2 Players Your beat is the mean streets of Atari Central…Game Selection Variations OFF the Walltm 1 or 2 Players Blazing Brickbats and BlackbirdsZig Zag Z Playing Tips Level of DifficultyMagnetic Paddle M Nuke Ball bombGot An Itchy Trigger Finger? Outlawtm 1 or 2 PlayersHandicap Gunslinger’s CodeGame1 Gunslinger Two-Player GamesTarget Shoot One-Player Games Scoring Pitfall!TM Basics PITFALL!TM 1 PlayerHazards Of Pitfall!TM Getting The Feel Of Pitfall!TMTips from David Crane, designer of Pitfall!TM How To Seek Your Fortune With Pitfall HarryEnemy Jet at 12 o’ clock Radar Locktm 1 or 2 PLAYERsOne-Player Games Instrument PanelTwo-Player Games WeaponsProximity Missiles Machine GunsEnemy Fleet MissionsMission 3 Bombers Mission 2 Interceptors and PatrollersMission 4 Stealth Fighters Mission 5 Super BombersPage Special Features Of River Raid River RAID 1 or 2 PlayersRiver Raid Basics How To Become a River Raider Game Select and DifficultyTips from Carol Shaw, designer of River Raid Hurry, The Water Is Rising Save Marytm 1 PlayerSport Of Kings Video Checkerstm 1 PlayerBeginning The Game Difficulty Switches Strategy Checkmate Video Chesstm 1 PlayerPage Skill Levels Page Space Station Caverns of Marstm 1 or 2 PlayersMartian Defense System Understanding The Screen And Your Mission RefuelingSelecting a Skill Level CommanderPoints for Distance Traveled Quadruntm 1 Player Defend the QuadHints Scoring Hotot To The Rescue Saboteurtm 1 PlayerGame Variations Space Glossary Space WAR 1 or 2 PlayersGame May the force be with youPlayer Space Module Games Space WAR Strategy Tips Yars Revengetm 1 or 2 Players Games 6 Game102 Yars Returntm 1 or 2 Players 104 105 Credits Help Via Telephone in the United States & Canada Help Via the InternetCopyright Terms And ConditionsLimitation of Liability Choice of LAW and Venue