Atari CX-2600 manual River RAID 1 or 2 Players, River Raid Basics, Special Features Of River Raid

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Your mission is to destroy enemy bridges, ships, aircraft and fuel depots along a heavily fortified inland waterway. And it won’t be pretty because you’ll be coming in low, through a narrowing valley and the enemy will everything they have at you. You’ll really have to earn your wings with River Raid©!

River Raid© Basics

To learn to fly successful missions, you'll need the sensitivity, touch and sharp shooting skills of a precision jet pilot. But that takes time and practice.

At first, try jetting down the river at slow speed. Practice banking your plane, sharpening your aim, and dodging the enemy. To win in this game, you'll have to be just as good at dodging as you are at destroying enemy bridges and aircraft.

Then accelerate your jet with bursts of speed to see how it reacts to the controls. Since you'll be making split-second decisions, you'll need to know exactly how you and your plane will act in a pressure situation.

Special Features Of River Raid©

Reinforcements. You begin each game with a squadron of three jets in reserve. For each 10,000 points you score, you're given an additional jet. You can only have nine reserve jets on the screen at one time.

The River of No Return. The river is divided into sections with a bridge at the end of each section. Notice that the river is always changing. You will encounter islands, narrow channels, bays, and lots of enemy ships and aircraft moving to block your path. Also, the farther down the river you fly, the fewer fuel depots you'll find. In some areas, fuel is quite scarce, so you'll really have to move if you want to survive.

Fuel Gauge. Always keep an eye on your fuel gauge, as you have a limited amount of fuel. Fuel is used up at a constant rate, regardless of speed. When your fuel drops below 1/4 full, a warning siren sounds to alert you--it's time to refuel by flying over a fuel depot! The slower you fly over a depot, the more fuel you receive. A bell will sound while you are refueling. The sound changes to a higher pitch when your fuel tank is full.

Losing a Jet. You lose a jet when it collides with the river bank or one of the enemy objects (except fuel depots), or when you run out of fuel. If you have a reserve jet left, you restart play at the same section of the river where you crashed. However, if you've managed to destroy the bridge at the end of that section, then you get to restart play at the beginning of the next section.


--Fire missiles by depressing red button. Hold the red button down for continuous fire.

--Move the Joystick to the left to bank left. Move the Joystick to the right to bank right.

--Move the Joystick forward to accelerate your jet.

--Pull Joystick back to slow your jet.


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Contents Model CX-2600 Contents Getting Started Health Warnings and PrecautionsHardware Precautions and Maintenance Game Console Specifications Connecting the Joystick ControllersMain Menu Explanation TroubleshootingArcade Asteroidstm 1 or 2 Players Arcade FavoritesSky’s The Limit Controls/Game PlayGame Variations Special FeaturesHelpful Hints Difficulty SwitchesFlip Young Children’s VersionsScoring Special Note Arcade Pong 1 or 2 PlayersControls Zylor Ships Asteroids Deluxetm 1 or 2 PlayersSpace Just Got a Bit Deadlier Killer Satellites Tanks You’re Combat ReadySuper Tanks FightersGame Number Skill Level Your Radar ScreenTank Sparking the Evil Insects Centipede 1 or 2 PlayersSpider CentipedeFlea ScorpionCan You Land Safely? Lunar Lander 1 PlayerSurvival Tips Millipedetm 1 or 2 PlayersRid Your Garden of those Bothersome Bugs Beetle Bonus LifeDefend your Cities Missile Command 1 or 2 PlayersSmart Enemy Cruise Missile/Dumb Enemy Cruise Missile Slow/Fast Target ControlStarting Wave Childrens GamesEnemy Cruise Missiles Points How Good a Shot Are You? Space Dueltm 1 or 2 PlayersSpace Objects/Scoring Space StationsAdventuretm 1 Player Adventure TerritoryKeys to the Kingdom Good MagicLevel Bad MagicGood Or Bad Magic Adventure Iitm 1 Player Keys to the Kingdoms Good Or Bad Magic It’s Enough To Scare You To Death Haunted House 1 PlayerObjects UrnSounds CreaturesGame Game Barely escaped with my life... The Adventurer Retrun to Haunted Housetm 1 PlayerPrepare To Be Scared to Death……Again Creatures Level 2 Floor Plan TV-Type SwitchLevel 1 Floor Plan Storage Area LevelThanks to the following for additional assistance Return To Haunted House Homebrew TeamSave The Human Race Secret Questtm 1 PlayerOxygen Bottles and Energy Pods Weapon Strength Value Energy UsedSonic Keys Status Screen?Strategy WizardTM Variations Wizardtm 1 PlayerIt’s Hunting Time… 3D TIC-TAC-TOE1 or 2 Players Play In a New DimensionSkill And Action Zone Game Matrix Points Aquaventure TM 1 PlayerExplore The Ocean Depths Credits Atari Climbertm 1 PlayerPlay Ball The Umpire Cries Missile Action Combat 1 or 2 PlayersDifficulty Tank GamesInvisible Tank Games Tank-Pong GamesInvisible Tank-Pong Games Bi-Plane GamesGame No Planes vs Maze Type Missile Type Jet-Fighter GamesGame No Sky Type Missile Type All Out Tank Warfare Combat Iitm 2 PlayersGames Dodge ‘EMTM 1 or 2 PlayersDodge To Win Right difficulty switch Handicap Difficulty SwitchLeft difficulty switch Playing The Game Fatal RUN 1 or 2 PlayersStrategy Ribbit, Ribbit Frog Pondtm 2 PlayersGuess Correctly To Avoid the Hangman’s Noose Hangman 1 or 2 PlayersHangman 2-Player Computer Games Hangman 1-Player GamesHangman 2-Player Opponent Games Be a daredevil Human Cannonballtm 1 or 2 PlayersScoring Game Selection Maze Crazetm 1 or 2 PlayersYour beat is the mean streets of Atari Central… Variations Zig Zag Z OFF the Walltm 1 or 2 PlayersBlazing Brickbats and Blackbirds Playing Tips Level of DifficultyMagnetic Paddle M Nuke Ball bombGot An Itchy Trigger Finger? Outlawtm 1 or 2 PlayersHandicap Gunslinger’s CodeGame1 Gunslinger Two-Player GamesTarget Shoot One-Player Games Scoring Pitfall!TM Basics PITFALL!TM 1 PlayerHazards Of Pitfall!TM Getting The Feel Of Pitfall!TMTips from David Crane, designer of Pitfall!TM How To Seek Your Fortune With Pitfall HarryEnemy Jet at 12 o’ clock Radar Locktm 1 or 2 PLAYERsOne-Player Games Instrument PanelTwo-Player Games WeaponsProximity Missiles Machine GunsEnemy Fleet MissionsMission 3 Bombers Mission 2 Interceptors and PatrollersMission 4 Stealth Fighters Mission 5 Super BombersPage River Raid Basics Special Features Of River RaidRiver RAID 1 or 2 Players Tips from Carol Shaw, designer of River Raid How To Become a River RaiderGame Select and Difficulty Hurry, The Water Is Rising Save Marytm 1 PlayerSport Of Kings Video Checkerstm 1 PlayerBeginning The Game Difficulty Switches Strategy Checkmate Video Chesstm 1 PlayerPage Skill Levels Page Martian Defense System Space StationCaverns of Marstm 1 or 2 Players Understanding The Screen And Your Mission RefuelingSelecting a Skill Level CommanderPoints for Distance Traveled Hints Quadruntm 1 PlayerDefend the Quad Scoring Hotot To The Rescue Saboteurtm 1 PlayerGame Variations Space Glossary Space WAR 1 or 2 PlayersGame May the force be with youPlayer Space Module Games Space WAR Strategy Tips Yars Revengetm 1 or 2 Players Games 6 Game102 Yars Returntm 1 or 2 Players 104 105 Credits Help Via Telephone in the United States & Canada Help Via the InternetCopyright Terms And ConditionsLimitation of Liability Choice of LAW and Venue