Atari CX-2600 manual OFF the Walltm 1 or 2 Players, Blazing Brickbats and Blackbirds, Zig Zag Z

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Far away in the Mysterious East on the other side of the world, there lived an adventurous lad named Kung Fu Lu. Lu's grand longing was to crush the ancient, evil wall that plagued his friendly neighbors.

Guarding the wall was a mystical dragon and a cunning blackbird. The dragon would cast balls at brave Lu. If Lu successfully deflected them with his staff, he gained good fortune and special powers. If he missed a ball, it cost him one of his five lives he was granted as a child. The frightful blackbird tried to prevent Kung Fu Lu from destroying the wall, but Lu remained undaunted and continued on until he smashed the last remaining brick.

Blazing Brickbats and Blackbirds!

The objective in Off The Wall is to score the highest number of points. Play against another player or try to beat your best score. Score points by using the ball to knock bricks out of the wall, hitting the dragon beyond the bricks, or catching the Mystery Token for bonus points. When the player clears four brick waves, he automatically advanced to the next skill level.

Using the controller, the player must position Lu in the path of the falling ball. Lu uses his staff to deflect the ball back to the brick wall to break out bricks. If Lu misses a ball, he loses a life.

In each game the player starts with five lives. The number of lives remaining displays in the upper left hand corner of the screen, with one square for each remaining life. If you break out all the bricks, or hit the dragon six times, the wave finishes and you receive another life. Each time you hit the dragon, the background behind the bricks becomes lighter.

Two-Player Game

In a two-player game, each player takes a turn. The first player begins breaking out bricks until he misses a ball and loses a life. The second player continues with the same brick field, knocking out bricks until he misses. The game continues, moving into higher skill levels until each player runs out of lives.


After the first wave on the Peasant level, a Blackbird appears. The bird tries to fly between the bricks and the ball. If the ball hits the bird, the bird deflects the ball back to Lu.

Special Power Tokens

After you hit the ball the first time, different tokens begin dropping at random. If Lu catches a token, he receives special powers. Each token has its own special power. Lu keeps these special powers until he misses a ball or the token timer (a bar graph in the upper right corner) runs out.

Zig Zag (Z)

This token makes the ball travel in a zig zag pattern after being hit by Lu. On the way down, the ball travels in a normal, straight path.

Mystery Token (?)


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Contents Model CX-2600 Contents Hardware Precautions and Maintenance Health Warnings and PrecautionsGetting Started Connecting the Joystick Controllers Game Console SpecificationsTroubleshooting Main Menu ExplanationArcade Favorites Arcade Asteroidstm 1 or 2 PlayersSky’s The Limit Controls/Game PlaySpecial Features Game VariationsDifficulty Switches Helpful HintsFlip Young Children’s VersionsScoring Controls Arcade Pong 1 or 2 PlayersSpecial Note Space Just Got a Bit Deadlier Asteroids Deluxetm 1 or 2 PlayersZylor Ships Killer Satellites You’re Combat Ready TanksSuper Tanks FightersYour Radar Screen Game Number Skill LevelTank Centipede 1 or 2 Players Sparking the Evil InsectsCentipede SpiderFlea ScorpionLunar Lander 1 Player Can You Land Safely?Rid Your Garden of those Bothersome Bugs Millipedetm 1 or 2 PlayersSurvival Tips Bonus Life BeetleMissile Command 1 or 2 Players Defend your CitiesSlow/Fast Target Control Smart Enemy Cruise Missile/Dumb Enemy Cruise MissileStarting Wave Childrens GamesEnemy Cruise Missiles Points Space Dueltm 1 or 2 Players How Good a Shot Are You?Space Objects/Scoring Space StationsAdventure Territory Adventuretm 1 PlayerKeys to the Kingdom Good MagicGood Or Bad Magic Bad MagicLevel Adventure Iitm 1 Player Keys to the Kingdoms Good Or Bad Magic Haunted House 1 Player It’s Enough To Scare You To DeathObjects UrnCreatures SoundsGame Game Retrun to Haunted Housetm 1 Player Barely escaped with my life... The AdventurerPrepare To Be Scared to Death……Again Creatures Level 1 Floor Plan TV-Type SwitchLevel 2 Floor Plan Level Storage AreaReturn To Haunted House Homebrew Team Thanks to the following for additional assistanceSecret Questtm 1 Player Save The Human RaceWeapon Strength Value Energy Used Oxygen Bottles and Energy PodsSonic Keys Status Screen?Strategy It’s Hunting Time… Wizardtm 1 PlayerWizardTM Variations Skill And Action Zone Play In a New Dimension3D TIC-TAC-TOE1 or 2 Players Game Matrix Explore The Ocean Depths Aquaventure TM 1 PlayerPoints Play Ball The Umpire Cries Atari Climbertm 1 PlayerCredits Combat 1 or 2 Players Missile ActionDifficulty Tank GamesTank-Pong Games Invisible Tank GamesInvisible Tank-Pong Games Bi-Plane GamesGame No Sky Type Missile Type Jet-Fighter GamesGame No Planes vs Maze Type Missile Type Combat Iitm 2 Players All Out Tank WarfareDodge To Win Dodge ‘EMTM 1 or 2 PlayersGames Left difficulty switch Handicap Difficulty SwitchRight difficulty switch Fatal RUN 1 or 2 Players Playing The GameStrategy Frog Pondtm 2 Players Ribbit, RibbitHangman 1 or 2 Players Guess Correctly To Avoid the Hangman’s NooseHangman 1-Player Games Hangman 2-Player Computer GamesHangman 2-Player Opponent Games Human Cannonballtm 1 or 2 Players Be a daredevilScoring Your beat is the mean streets of Atari Central… Maze Crazetm 1 or 2 PlayersGame Selection Variations Blazing Brickbats and Blackbirds OFF the Walltm 1 or 2 PlayersZig Zag Z Level of Difficulty Playing TipsMagnetic Paddle M Nuke Ball bombOutlawtm 1 or 2 Players Got An Itchy Trigger Finger?Handicap Gunslinger’s CodeGunslinger Two-Player Games Game1Target Shoot One-Player Games Scoring PITFALL!TM 1 Player Pitfall!TM BasicsHazards Of Pitfall!TM Getting The Feel Of Pitfall!TMHow To Seek Your Fortune With Pitfall Harry Tips from David Crane, designer of Pitfall!TMRadar Locktm 1 or 2 PLAYERs Enemy Jet at 12 o’ clockInstrument Panel One-Player GamesTwo-Player Games WeaponsMachine Guns Proximity MissilesEnemy Fleet MissionsMission 2 Interceptors and Patrollers Mission 3 BombersMission 4 Stealth Fighters Mission 5 Super BombersPage River RAID 1 or 2 Players Special Features Of River RaidRiver Raid Basics Game Select and Difficulty How To Become a River RaiderTips from Carol Shaw, designer of River Raid Save Marytm 1 Player Hurry, The Water Is RisingVideo Checkerstm 1 Player Sport Of KingsBeginning The Game Difficulty Switches Strategy Video Chesstm 1 Player CheckmatePage Skill Levels Page Caverns of Marstm 1 or 2 Players Space StationMartian Defense System Refueling Understanding The Screen And Your MissionCommander Selecting a Skill LevelPoints for Distance Traveled Defend the Quad Quadruntm 1 PlayerHints Scoring Saboteurtm 1 Player Hotot To The RescueGame Variations Space WAR 1 or 2 Players Space GlossaryMay the force be with you GamePlayer Space Module Games Space WAR Strategy Tips Yars Revengetm 1 or 2 Players Game Games 6102 Yars Returntm 1 or 2 Players 104 105 Credits Help Via the Internet Help Via Telephone in the United States & CanadaTerms And Conditions CopyrightLimitation of Liability Choice of LAW and Venue