Exhaust control
fan configuration. The controller can be configured to auto, to a specific fan speed, or to off. If both a communicated and
In occupied mode, The Tracer ZN521 zone controller requires continuous fan operation because of cascade zone control. In unoccupied mode, the fan cycles.
When the controller receives a communicated auto signal (or the associ- ated
Configured as auto and with multiple speeds available, the fan will auto- matically switch speeds depending on the difference between the zone temperature and the active zone temperature setpoint. The fan speed will increase as the difference increases and decrease as the difference decreases.
When the controller receives a communicated
The fan will turn off when the controller receives a communicated off sig- nal, when the
The ability to enable or disable the controller’s associated fan speed switch is configurable.
Exhaust control
Exhaust control is accomplished by a
The exhaust function is coordinated with the supply fan and outdoor/ return air dampers as follows:
•The exhaust output is energized only when the supply fan is operat- ing and the outdoor air damper position (%) is greater than or equal to the Exhaust Fan/Damper Enable Setpoint (configurable using the Rover service tool).
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