Excalibur electronic 908-EFG Finding the Pieces, Battery Installation, Play a Game Right Away

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ENGLISHCongratulations on your purchase of Excalibur Electronics’ Alexandra the Great chess computer! You’ve pur- chased both your own personal chess trainer and a partner who’s always

ready for a game—and who can improve as you do! Talking and sound effects add another dimen- sion to your Alexandra computer for increased enjoyment and play value.

The legendary King Arthur brandished a magic sword, Excalibur, from which we take our company name. With this unique weapon in his hands, he could not be vanquished.

Although Excalibur Electronics can’t claim the magical secrets of Merlin, King Arthur’s court wiz- ard, sometimes our patented tech- nology may make it seem as if we

could. The Alexandra the Great Talking Chess Computer is anoth- er unmatched innovation of Excalibur Electronics.


Finding the Pieces

Turn your chess computer over carefully with its chessboard face- down. Find the door marked “PIECE COMPARTMENT DOOR.” Open it and remove the chess pieces. Replace the door and set the pieces aside for now.

Battery Installation

With the chess computer facedown, find the door marked “BAT- TERY DOOR.” Open it and insert three (3) fresh, alkaline AA bat- teries in the battery holder. Note the arrangement of the batteries called for by the diagram in the holder. Make sure that the positive tip of each battery matches up with the + sign in the battery compart- ment so that polarity will be correct.

When the batteries are properly installed, Alexandra the Great auto- matically turns on and starts talking, letting you know she's ready for action. If Alexandra does not start talking, use a thin pointed object and press the ACL button. Replace the battery compartment panel, and turn the computer over.

Play a Game Right Away

After you have installed the batteries, the display will show ENG- LISH? asking you if you want Alexandra to speak in English. If you do, press the YES key. If you want her to speak French or German, press the NO key until your desired language is shown and then press the YES key. Place the plastic chess pieces on their start ing squares (see page 20). The display will show 01CHESS. This indi- cates you are at the first move of the game and ready to play chess.



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Contents Excalibur Electronics Play a Game Right Away Battery InstallationFinding the Pieces Making Your Move Putting a game on holdLayout of Buttons Function KeysOptions Before Game Starts Options Before During the GameSpecial Displays ScreWhen SymbolsStarting Play With the Black Pieces When you want to play Special SituationsTaking BacktakeCapture Levels of PlayEn Passant Takingan pawn in passing Beginner⋅Level Type¬Ply Level Type Book Opening TrainerTournament⋅ Level¬Type Ratings Entering Your Own OpeningPiece Training Kings & Pawns TrainingSetting Up Special Positions Using Verify ModeUsing Setup Mode Removing a PiecekeyStarting Position General Rules ChessIndividual Moves Special Moves Special CareLimited 90-Day Warranty Battery InformationEntamez immédiatement une partie Installer les pilesTrouver les pièces Mettre une partie en attente Jouer votre coupDéplacer la pièce d’Alexandra Touche HINT/WHY indice /pourquoi Touches et fonctions spécialesHint Touche MULTI-MOVEScore pointles Si vous Options avant le Début de la partieOptions avant Et pendant la partie Partie Symboles à l’écranMessages de fin de De partie nulleNiveaux de jeu Reprendre une capture Lorsque vous reprenez uneUne livre d’ouvertures Instructeur Niveau Analyse d’échecEnregistrer votre Propre ouverture Leçon par pièceClassement Les rois & les Pions EntraînantLe mot nOnE Sans roi apparaîtra Mode VérificationMode Configuration La prpion,se d’toutesne pièce À Déplacements SpéciauxLe mouvement des pièces Position commençantQuelques suggestions pour Le jeu d’échecs Informations concernant les piles Garantie limitée de 90 jours Deutsch erzlichen Glückwunsch zum Kauf vonBeginnen Sie unverzüglich mit einer Partie Installieren Sie die« Batterien»Finden Sie die Figuren Ihr SpielzugLayout der Tasten Alexandras SpielzugEin Spiel «in Wartestellung» Versetzen Funktions-Tasten und Besonderheiten SOUND-TASieTE Spiel Optionen vor SpielbeginnREPEAT-TASTE Wiederholung Wenn Sie Spielende-Anzeigen Alexandra kündigt Matt Besondere AnzeigenPatt-Meldungen Bildschirm SydemboleRochade Besondere SituationenSpielstufen Das Zurücknehmen Eines SchlagsTurnier-Stufe Vorgegebene Zeit-StufeSudden Death-Stufe Ply-StufeEröffnungen-Trainer Eingabe Ihrer eigenen EröffnungBildend Aus WertungenKönige & Faustpfänder Besonderen Stellungen aufstellen Das ist eine weitere tolle Die Verwendung des Setup-ModusDas Entfernen Einer Figur Schachregeln und Tips Spielziel Schachmatt Anfangende PositionBesondere Züge Einige Schachtipps Besondre PflegeHinweise zu den Batterien Tage beschränkte GarantieWe make you think Des jeux de réflex Wir lassen Sie denken