Excalibur electronic 908-EFG manual Using Verify Mode, Using Setup Mode, Removing a Piecekey

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Level or Sudden Death Level you wish to play against. When an “O” appears on the display, the game you are play- ing can be rated. Since the game you are playing is rated, you cannot ask for a HINT, nor TAKEBACK a bad move, nor use SETUP to improve your position. You also cannot use the NEW GAME key to start over during a rated game. These conditions allow you to experience what it is like to play a game against an oppo- nent in a rated tournament. In rated tournaments a chess clock is always used, so that you play your moves within agreed upon time limits. Alexandra has a built-in chess clock.

If you attempt to use the HINT,

SETUP, TAKEBACK, or NEW GAME keys during your rated game, Alexandra will ask “Are you sure” and say what result (draw, win, or loss) will be scored if you press the YES


During a rated game, if you are winning by 9.0 or more points and want Alexandra to resign, press NEW GAME. Alexandra will say “Are you sure I lose?” Alexandra will then wait for you to press YES.


Verify Mode

At any time during a game when it is your move, pressing VERIFY will display the posi- tion of the Black queen. The letter B will be shown if a piece is black and a W will be shown for the white pieces. Pressing VERIFY a second time to check the position’s of White’s queen.

To verify the positions of the other pieces on the board, sim- ply press the key labeled with the desired piece symbol above it. If there are no pieces of the selected type on the board, the display will show “NONE.” To


exit this verification mode, press the ON/CLEAR key.


Setup Mode

At any time during a game when it’s your move, you may change the position on the board by adding a piece, removing a piece, or changing any of the pieces—for exam- ple, from a queen to a knight.

Removing A Piecekey

Press the SETUP . Then on the large sensory board, press the square the piece is on until the square on your display is empty. Press CLEAR to contin- ue the game.

Adding or Changing a

Pressiecethe SETUP key. Next press the key that indicates the type of piece you want to place on the board. Then on the large sensory board, press the square on the sensory board until the 19


piece appears as the correct color on your display. Press CLEAR to continue the game.

Setting Up Special


This is another terrific feature that allows you to solve prob- lems that you see in magazines or newspapers, or that you make up yourself. It also allows you to enter game positions you want to play, or that you want Alexandra to look at, perhaps using the Infinite Search level. Normally, it is easier to start from an empty board to set up such problems. So first, press the OPTIONS key repeatedly until “CLRBR” (clear board) is displayed. Now press the SETUP key. You’ll see that the display will show “NONE,” indicating no kings.

On the large sensory board, press the square the White king is on. Next press the square the Black king is on once to place a

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Contents Excalibur Electronics Finding the Pieces Battery InstallationPlay a Game Right Away Making Your Move Putting a game on holdLayout of Buttons Function KeysOptions Before Game Starts Options Before During the GameSpecial Displays ScreWhen SymbolsStarting Play With the Black Pieces When you want to play Special SituationsTaking BacktakeCapture Levels of PlayEn Passant Takingan pawn in passing Beginner⋅Level Type¬Tournament⋅ Level¬Type Book Opening TrainerPly Level Type Ratings Entering Your Own OpeningPiece Training Kings & Pawns TrainingSetting Up Special Positions Using Verify ModeUsing Setup Mode Removing a PiecekeyIndividual Moves General Rules ChessStarting Position Special Moves Special CareLimited 90-Day Warranty Battery InformationTrouver les pièces Installer les pilesEntamez immédiatement une partie Déplacer la pièce d’Alexandra Jouer votre coupMettre une partie en attente Touche HINT/WHY indice /pourquoi Touches et fonctions spécialesHint Touche MULTI-MOVEOptions avant Et pendant la partie Options avant le Début de la partieScore pointles Si vous Partie Symboles à l’écranMessages de fin de De partie nulleNiveaux de jeu Reprendre une capture Lorsque vous reprenez uneUne livre d’ouvertures Instructeur Niveau Analyse d’échecEnregistrer votre Propre ouverture Leçon par pièceClassement Les rois & les Pions EntraînantMode Configuration Mode VérificationLe mot nOnE Sans roi apparaîtra La prpion,se d’toutesne pièce À Déplacements SpéciauxLe mouvement des pièces Position commençantQuelques suggestions pour Le jeu d’échecs Informations concernant les piles Garantie limitée de 90 jours Deutsch erzlichen Glückwunsch zum Kauf vonBeginnen Sie unverzüglich mit einer Partie Installieren Sie die« Batterien»Finden Sie die Figuren Ihr SpielzugEin Spiel «in Wartestellung» Versetzen Alexandras SpielzugLayout der Tasten Funktions-Tasten und Besonderheiten REPEAT-TASTE Wiederholung Wenn Sie Optionen vor SpielbeginnSOUND-TASieTE Spiel Spielende-Anzeigen Alexandra kündigt Matt Besondere AnzeigenPatt-Meldungen Bildschirm SydemboleRochade Besondere SituationenSpielstufen Das Zurücknehmen Eines SchlagsTurnier-Stufe Vorgegebene Zeit-StufeSudden Death-Stufe Ply-StufeEröffnungen-Trainer Eingabe Ihrer eigenen EröffnungKönige & Faustpfänder WertungenBildend Aus Das Entfernen Einer Figur Die Verwendung des Setup-ModusBesonderen Stellungen aufstellen Das ist eine weitere tolle Schachregeln und Tips Spielziel Schachmatt Anfangende PositionBesondere Züge Einige Schachtipps Besondre PflegeHinweise zu den Batterien Tage beschränkte GarantieWe make you think Des jeux de réflex Wir lassen Sie denken