Tefal P4394835, P4394831 manual Légumes surgelés

Page 33

Table des temps de cuisson*

Légumes frais







- vapeur*

18 min.


- immersion**

15 min.





- immersion

5 min.

Betterave rouge


- vapeur

20 - 30 min.




3 min.




6 min.



- vapeur

6 min.


- immersion

10 min.





- vapeur

1 min.


- immersion

1 ½ min.


Chou vert



6 min.



7 min.



Chou Bruxelles



7 min.

Chou fleur


- immersion

3 min.



- vapeur

6 ½ min.


- immersion

2 min.






12 min.



- vapeur

5 min.


- immersion

3 min.



Haricots mi-secs


- immersion

20 min.

Haricots verts



7 min.



- vapeur

7 min.


- immersion

6 min.



Petits pois



1 ½ min.




2 ½ min.

Potiron (purée)



8 min.

Pommes de terre en quartiers


- vapeur

10 min.


- immersion

6 min.



Flageolets verts (lég. secs)


- immersion

45 min.

Lentilles vertes (lég. secs)


- immersion

10 min.

Pois cassés (lég. secs)


- immersion

14 min.

Riz (lég. secs)


- immersion

7 min.

Blé (lég. secs)



15 min.

Légumes surgelés









- vapeur

3 min.

Carottes rondelles



- vapeur

6 min.

Carottes jeunes entières



- vapeur

10 min.




- vapeur

6 min.

Choux Bruxelles



- immersion

6 min.

Chou fleur



- vapeur

5 min.




- vapeur

11 min.

Epinards en branches




9 min.




- vapeur

12 min.

Fonds d’artichaut



- vapeur

6 min.

Haricots beurre



- vapeur

8 min.

Haricots plats



- vapeur

6 min.

Haricots verts extra-fins



- vapeur

6 min.

Petits pois



- vapeur

4 min.

Poireaux coupés



- vapeur

24 min.

*selon modèle

*Aliment dans le panier vapeur **Aliment dans l’eau






Image 33
Contents Clipso Essential Pressure cooker EN Important Safeguards Specifications Descriptive diagramPressure indicator Pan Safety valve Pan handle Compatible heat sourcesUse Tefal AccessoriesOpening ClosingUsing the operating valve Using the steam basketFor some foods To cook foodBefore cooking First useEnd of cooking During cookingCleaning the pressure cooker Cleaning and maintenanceTo clean the inside of the pan To clean the outside of the panTo clean the lid seal To clean the lidTo clean the operating valve a To clean the safety valve FSafety Guarantee Steam is very hot when it leaves the operating valveRecommendations for use Marking Location Problems RecommendationsTo close the lid If your pressureOverpressure safety Problems Recommendations If the pressureNothing is Escaping throughDelicious Recipes SoupPoultry Fish VegetablesHome made desserts Meat & vegetablesFresh Vegetables Conservez ces instructions Précautions importantesCaractéristiques Schéma descriptifSources de chaleur compatibles Diamètre du fond de l’autocuiseur référencesUtilisation Accessoires TefalOuverture FermetureRemplissages minimum et maximum Utilisation du panier vapeurUtilisation de la soupape de fonctionnement Avant la cuisson FR Première utilisationFin de cuisson Pendant la cuissonPour libérer la vapeur Décompression lenteNettoyage de l’autocuiseur FR Nettoyage et entretienSécurité Recommandations d’utilisation Deux sécurités à la surpressionChangez le joint tous les ans ou sil présente une coupure Marquage Localisation GarantiePas fermer le cou Problèmes Recommandations Si vous ne pouvezVercle Si l’autocuiseur aSi vous ne pouvez pas Problèmes RecommandationsOuvrir le couvercle Pas cuits ou s’ils sontFR 8 recettes savoureuses SoupesVolaille Poisson LegumesDesserts fait maison FR Viande et légumesLégumes surgelés Φυλάξτε τις παρούσες οδηγίες Διάγραμμα περιγραφής ΠροδιαγραφέςΈνδειξη μέγιστης πλήρωσης Ανταλλακτικά Tefal ΧρήσηΆνοιγμα ΚλείσιμοΕλάχιστη και μέγιστη πλήρωση Χρήση του καλαθιού ατμούΧρήση της βαλβίδας λειτουργίας Πριν από το μαγείρεμα Πρώτη χρήσηΤέλος μαγειρέματος Κατά το μαγείρεμαΓια να εκτονώσετε τον ατμό Αργή εκτόνωση πίεσηςEL Καθαρισμός της χύτρας ταχύτητας Καθαρισμός και συντήρησηΑσφάλεια Προσέχετε τον πίδακα ατμού Συστάσεις χρήσηςΣήμανση Θέση ΕγγύησηΝα κλείσετε το Προβλήματα Συστάσεις Εάν δεν μπορείτεΚαπάκι Πάκι επάνω στο δοχείο εικ Μηχανισμός ασφάλισηςΕάν διαρρέει ατμός Προβλήματα Συστάσεις Εάν ο δείκτης πίεσηςΓύρω από το καπάκι ΕλέγξτεΣερβίρετε αφού πασπαλίσετε με τριμμένη φρυγανιά Σούπα λαχανικώνΜαγείρεμα 15 λεπτά 65 λεπτάΑρακάς με κρέας & ντομάτα EL Λεμονάτα πουγκιά μπακαλιάρουΜαγείρεμα Λεπτά 40 λεπτάMufattaqah Γλυκό ρύζιΜαγείρεμα 90 λεπτά 180 λεπτάΜαγείρεμα Χρόνοι Πίνακας χρόνων μαγειρέματος* Φρέσκα λαχανικάBU Talİmatlari Saklayin Teknik Özellikler Tanımlayıcı şemaUyumlu ısı kaynakları Basınç göstergesi Tencere Güvenlik valfi Tencere sapıAçma KullanımKapatma Conta 6L 7,5L 9LMinimum ve maksimum dolum Buhar sepetini* kullanmaÇalışma valfini kullanma Pişirmeden önce İlk kullanımBuharı boşaltmak için Pişirmeyi tamamlamaYavaş basınç boşaltma Hızlı basınç boşaltmaTemizleme ve bakım Güvenlik Kullanım önerileri İşaretler Bulunduğu Yer Garanti kapsamına aşağıdakiler dahil değildirTamıyorsanız Sorular Öneriler Kapağı kapaDüdüklü tencerenizi Tefal Yetkili Servisine Kontrol ettirinValften buhar Sorular ÖnerilerKapak etrafından Buhar sızıyorsaÇorba Lezzetli TariflerKişilik. Hazırlama 30 dk. Pişirme 20 dk Kişilik. Hazırlama 15 dk. Pişirme 10 dkSebzeler TavukKişilik. Hazırlama 20 dk. Pişirme 65 dk Kişilik. Hazırlama 30 dk. Pişirme 15 dkEt ve sebze BalıkKişilik. Hazırlama 25 dk. Pişirme 7 dk Kişilik. Hazırlama 15 dk. Pişirme 40 dkEv yapımı tatlılar Kişilik. Hazırlama 20 dk. Pişirme 90 dk10 kişilik. Hazırlama 20 dk. Pişirme 180 dk Pişirme Süreleri Pişirme SüreDereboyu Cad. 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P4394835, P4394831 specifications

Tefal is a brand synonymous with innovative cookware technologies that enhance cooking experiences and ensure healthy meals. Two notable frying pans from their innovative range are the Tefal P4394831 and P4394835. Both products showcase Tefal’s commitment to quality, performance, and modern culinary conveniences.

The Tefal P4394831 is designed specifically for everyday cooking, featuring a robust non-stick coating that allows for effortless food release and easy cleaning. This frying pan has a functional 26 cm diameter, making it ideal for preparing a variety of dishes, from frying eggs to searing meats. One of its standout features is Tefal's iconic Thermo-Spot technology, which indicates when the pan has reached the perfect cooking temperature. This not only helps in achieving optimal cooking results but also ensures food is cooked evenly, retaining the essential flavors and nutrients.

The construction of the P4394831 incorporates durable materials, ensuring even heat distribution for consistent cooking results. The ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip, making it easy to maneuver, whether you’re flipping pancakes or tossing vegetables. Additionally, this pan is compatible with various heat sources, including gas, electric, and ceramic hobs, adding to its versatility in the kitchen.

On the other hand, the Tefal P4394835 takes the non-stick experience a bit further. With a slightly larger size of 28 cm, it caters to larger meals or family cooking. Like the P4394831, it features the Thermo-Spot technology, ensuring perfect cooking performance every time. The non-stick coating on the P4394835 is enhanced with Tefal's advanced titanium technology, making it more resistant to scratches and extending its longevity. This makes the pan suitable for everyday use without the worry of wear and tear, giving home cooks confidence in their equipment.

Both products emphasize health-conscious cooking, requiring less or no oil, thus promoting a healthier lifestyle. They are also dishwasher safe, making clean-up a breeze after enjoyable meals. The sleek, contemporary design of both frying pans means they also look good while being practical.

In summary, the Tefal P4394831 and P4394835 pans provide exceptional cooking experiences with their innovative features, durable materials, and user-friendly design. With Tefal, you can cook with confidence, knowing that your culinary creations will be both delicious and healthy.