Control Codes
Table A-2. HP PCL Printer Control Codes
| Value | Value |
Code Name | Symbol | Description | (Dec) | (Hex) | Keystroke |
Backspace | <BS> | Causes the printer to move the current print position one character position to the left. | 08 | 08 | CTRL H |
Horizontal Tab | <HT> | Causes the printer to move to the next predefined tab position. (Tabs are located every | 09 | 09 | CTRL I |
| eighth character position, beginning at the left margin.) |
Line Feed | <LF> | Causes the printer to advance the paper one line at the current line spacing. | 10 | 0A | CTRL J |
Form Feed | <FF> | Causes the printer to advance the paper to the next | 12 | 0C | CTRL L |
| first line of printing on the next page. |
Carriage Return | <CR> | Causes the printer to move the current print position to the left margin. Does not cause | 13 | 0D | CTRL M |
| a paper advance. |
Shift Out | <SO> | Causes the printer to select the currently designated secondary font for use. | 14 | 0E | CTRL N |
Shift In | <SI> | Causes the printer to select the currently designated primary font for use. | 15 | 0F | CTRL O |
Escape | <EC> | Indicates to the printer that the characters immediately following are part of a printer | 27 | 1B | CTRL [ |
| command. |
Space | <SP> | Causes the printer to move the current print position one character to the right. | 32 | 20 |