Settings2 for your telephone system
Dialing Method
Select the Dialing Method provided by your telephone system. Select Pulse if you have a pulse or rotary system, or Tone if you change to a Tone, or touch
Reception Mode
Select the reception that matches the devices you have connected to your fax.
2See Managing incoming calls for a description of reception modes.
Distinctive Ring
Some telephone systems allow multiple phone numbers on a single line. In these systems, each number is assigned a distinctive ring. If your telephone system is set up with a distinctive ring, select Enable, then place a call to your fax machine from another phone. If a call is received before you call your fax machine, set
2distinctive ring to Disable, and start over.
Remote Reception
Select Enable when there is an extension phone in the circuit, not connected directly to the fax machine. Remote Reception allows the fax machine to answer when your reception code is dialed from any phone in the circuit, including the calling phone. The default reception code is 123. You can change the code when you enable remote reception,