Command Quick Reference
The following tables summarize SCPI and IEEE 488.2 Common (*)
Commands for the Microwave Switch modules.
SCPI Commands for Quick Reference
| Command | Description |
| Abort a scan in progress. |
ARM | :COUNt <number> MIN MAX | Multiple scans per INIT command. |
| :COUNt? [MIN MAX] | Query number of scans. |
| |
DISPlay:MONitor:CARD <number> AUTO | Selects module to be monitored. | |
| :MONitor[:STATe] <mode> | Selects monitor mode. |
| :MONitor[:STATe]? | Query the monitor mode state. |
INITiate | :CONTinuous <mode> | Enables/disables continuous scanning. |
| :CONTinuous? | Query continuous scan state. |
| [:IMMediate] | Starts a scanning cycle. |
OUTPut | [:STATe] <mode> | Enables/disables "Trig Out" pulse. |
| [:STATe]? | Query port enable state. |
[ROUTe:] | CLOSe <channel _list> | Close channel(s). |
| CLOSe? <channel _list> | Query channel(s) closed. |
| OPEN <channel _list> | Open channel(s). |
| OPEN? <channel _list> | Query channel(s) opened. |
| SCAN <channel _list> | Define channels for scanning. |
| SCAN:MODE NONE VOLT RES | Selects scan mode. |
| SCAN:MODE? | Query state of scan mode. |
| |
STATus:OPERation:ENABle | Enables the Operation Status Register to set a bit in the | |
| Status Register. |
| :OPERation:ENABle | Query the contents in the Operation Status Register. |
| :OPERation[:EVENt]? | Returns status of the Operation Status Register. |
SYSTem | :CDEScription? <number> | Returns description of module in a switchbox. |
| :CPON <number> ALL | Sets specified module to its |
| :CTYPe? <number> | Returns the module type. |
| :ERRor? | Returns error number/message in a switchbox Error Queue. |
TRIGger | [:IMMediate] | Causes a trigger to occur. |
| :SOURce BUS | Trigger source is *TRG. |
| :SOURce EXTernal | Trigger source is "Event In" BNC. |
| :SOURce HOLD | Hold off triggering. |
| :SOURce IMMediate | Continuous (internal) triggers. |
| :SOURce? | Query scan trigger source. |
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands Quick Reference
Command | Title | Description |
*RST | Reset | Opens all channels, and invalidates current channel list for scanning. |
*TRG | Bus Trigger | When scan is enabled and trigger source is TRIG:SOUR BUS, use the *TRG |
| command to trigger the switchbox to advance the scan. |
*TST? | Self Test query | Always returns 0. |
Chapter 4 | HP E1368A/69A/70A Command Reference 71 |