Scanning Channels
Scanning the Microwave Switch module channels consists of closing a set of channels (connecting the 2 port to the C port) one channel at a time. Single scan, multiple scans (2 to 32767), or continuous scanning modes are available.
The TRIGger:SOURce command specifies the source to advance the scan.
The OUTPut command can be used to enable the HP E1300/E1301 or HP
E1405/E1406 "Trig Out" port. Figure
Sets number of Scanning Cycles
ARM:COUN <number> sets 1 to 32767 scanning cycles per INIT command.
Selects the Trigger Source
TRIG:SOUR defines the trigger source to advance the scan.
TRIG:SOUR? queries the current trigger source. Sources are:
BUS = Defines trigger source as a *TRG or
EXT = TRIG:SOUR EXT sets external triggering. The trigger source is a (user supplied) input to the Event In BNC. Use a +5 V
HOLD = Prevents execution of triggers until trigger source is changed.
Can use TRIG command to trigger a switchbox set to TRIG:SOUR HOLD.
IMM = Sets immediate (internal) triggering. The scan list is automatically advanced through the scan list. This is the default trigger mode.
Enables TRIG OUT Port
The Trig Out Port is shared by all instruments in the mainframe. With the port enabled (OUTP ON), it generates an output trigger each time after a channel closure for ANY switchbox in the mainframe. The Trig Out port outputs a +5 V
Selects Continuous Scanning Cycles
Use INIT ON or INIT 1 to enable continuous cycles. INIT OFF or INIT 0 is fixed number of scans determined by the ARM:COUN command.
Selects the Channel List for Scanning
SCAN <channel_list> defines channels to be scanned using trigger source by TRIG:SOUR command.
Enables Scanning
Enables scanning for any trigger source and closes the first channel in
the channel list.
Advances Channel List
This command advances the channel list when the trigger source is
TRIG:SOUR BUS or TRIG:SOUR HOLD. Command not usable with
Figure 3-8. Example: Scanning Commands
Chapter 3 | Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules 39 |