:COUNt? ARM:COUNt? [MIN MAX] returns the current number of scanning cycles set by ARM:COUNt. The current number of scans cycles is returned when no MIN or MAX parameter is sent. With MIN or MAX passed as parameters, MIN returns 1 and MAX returns 32767.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Range of Values | Value |
MIN MAX | numeric | MIN = 1, MAX = 32767 | cycles |
Comments ∙ Related Commands: INITiate:IMMediate
Example Query Number of Scanning Cycles
This example sets a Microwave Switch for 10 scanning cycles of channels 00 through 02, and queries the number of scan cycles set. The ARM:COUN? command returns 10.
ARM:COUN 10 | Set 10 scans per INIT command. |
ARM COUN? | Query number of scanning cycles. |
52 HP E1368A/69A/70A Command Reference | Chapter 4 |