HP manual L2496-90011.fm Page 3 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 926 AM, For European customers only

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L2496-90011.fm Page 3 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:26 AM

D.Local Law

1.This LWS gives Customer specific legal rights. Customer may also have other rights that vary from state to state in the United States, from province to province in Canada, and from country to country elsewhere in the world.

2.To the extent this LWS is inconsistent with local law, this LWS shall be deemed modified to be consistent with local law. Under local law, certain disclaimers and limitations of this LWS may not apply to Customer. For example, the federal government of the United States, some states in the United States, and some governments outside the United States (including provinces in Canada), may:

a.Grant Customer additional warranty rights;

b.Preclude the disclaimers and limitations in this LWS from limiting the statutory rights of a consumer (e.g., the United Kingdom);

c.Otherwise restrict the ability of a manufacturer to enforce such disclaimers or limitations;

d.Specify the duration of implied warranties that the manufacturer cannot disclaim; or,

e.Disallow limitations on the duration of implied warranties

3.Customer may have additional statutory rights based on its purchase agreement. Those rights are not in any way affected by this LWS.

4.For consumer transactions in the United States, any implied warranties imposed by law are limited in duration to the express warranty period.


For European customers only

The name and address of the HP entity responsible for the support of the HP Limited Warranty Statement is listed below for each applicable country or region.


United Kingdom

Hewlett-Packard Ireland Ltd.

Hewlett-Packard Ltd

30 Herbert Street

Cain Road

IRL-Dublin 2

Bracknell, GB-Berks RG12 1HN

Service and support

HP online service and support is your easy, fast, and direct web resource for product assistance, diagnostics, and driver downloads. It is your one-stop source for all service and support needs. Get award winning assistance, 24x7 at www.hp.com/support

Upgraded warranty option

HP offers a range of warranty upgrade options that provide you with peace of mind through extended service coverage. Service coverage begins on product purchase date and purchase must be within your original warranty period. The hardware service offering will be determined based on the outcome of the initial call to HP Customer Care.

For more information, see: www.hp.com/home/ownerservices or call 1-866-234-1377 (United States) www.hp.ca/ownerservices or call 1-877-231-4351 (Canada) www.hp.com/uk/warranty-extension (United Kingdom) www.hp.com/ie/warranty-extension (Ireland)

After the warranty period of your HP product, you have different options depending on the region where you reside:

United States: Replace product for a fee OR upgrade product for a fee

Canada: Call the HP support center for replacement of product for a fee

Europe: Return product to your dealer OR call the HP support center for replacement of product for a fee

Latin America: Repair & return product for a fee OR upgrade product for a fee

You will have access to e-mail support at www.hp.com/support for 3 years.

Materials disposal

This HP product contains the following materials that might require special handling at end-of-life:

Lithium-iron disulfide, Alkaline manganese dioxide-zinc AA, or Nickel Metal-Hydride batteries Disposal of this material can be regulated because of environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) (www.eiae.org).


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Contents HP Photosmart Series Digital Camera Page L2496-900112.fm Page 1 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM HP Photosmart E-series Digital Camera WarrantyHP product Period of limited warranty HP limited warranty statement EnglishPackage for accessories purchased separately L2496-900112.fm Page 2 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PML2496-90011.fm Page 3 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 926 AM Service and support Upgraded warranty optionFor European customers only Ireland United KingdomL2496-900112.fm Page 4 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Safety precautionsRegulatory model identification number Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteriesDéclaration de garantie limitée de HP Français Accessoires pour les accessoires achetés séparémentL2496-90011.fm Page 5 Thursday, April 5, 2007 1100 AM Produit HP Durée de la garantie limitée’attention des clients européens uniquement L2496-900112.fm Page 6 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMLégislation locale L2496-900112.fm Page 7 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Prodotto HP Periodo della garanzia limitata Dichiarazione di garanzia limitata HP ItalianoL2496-900112.fm Page 8 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Solo per gli acquirenti utenti finali residenti in Europa L2496-900112.fm Page 9 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMAssistenza clienti Opzione di garanzia estesa Smaltimento dei materialiNorme di sicurezza L2496-900112.fm Page 10 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMNumero identificativo del modello a norma HP Produkt Zeitraum der beschränkten Gewährleistung L2496-900112.fm Page 11 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PML2496-90011.fm Page 12 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1023 AM Service und Support Optionen zur GewährleistungserweiterungNur für Kunden in Europa Österreich Deutschland LuxemburgMaterialentsorgung L2496-900112.fm Page 13 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMZulassungsnummer zur Modellidentifikation SicherheitsbestimmungenProducto HP Período de la garantía limitada Declaración de garantía limitada de HP EspañolL2496-900112.fm Page 14 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Legislación local L2496-900112.fm Page 15 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMConceder al cliente derechos de garantía adicionales Sólo para clientes europeosDesecho de materiales L2496-900112.fm Page 16 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMNúmero de identificación del modelo de regulación Precauciones de seguridadHP product Duur van beperkte garantie HP verklaring van beperkte garantie NederlandsL2496-900112.fm Page 17 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM L2496-900112.fm Page 18 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Service en ondersteuning Garantie-uitbreidingAlleen voor klanten in Europa Nederland BelgiëVerstandig omgaan met afval L2496-900112.fm Page 19 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMVoorgeschreven modelidentificatienummer VoorzorgsmaatregelenL2496-900112.fm Page 20 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Produto HP Period of limited warrantyDeclaração de Garantia Limitada HP Português Brasil Apenas para clientes europeus Serviço e Suporte Opção de upgrade de garantiaL2496-900112.fm Page 21 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Descarte de materiais L2496-900112.fm Page 22 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMNúmero regulatório de identificação do modelo Precauções de segurançaL2496-900112.fm Page 23 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM HP begränsad garanti SvenskaHP-produkt Den begränsade garantins giltighetstid Den begränsade garantins omfattningL2496-900112.fm Page 24 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Service och support Uppgraderad garantiEndast för europeiska kunder Kassering av materialSäkerhetsåtgärder L2496-900112.fm Page 25 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMID-modellnummer HP-produkt Den begrænsede garantiperiode HP’s begrænsede garantierklæring DanskL2496-900112.fm Page 26 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Kun for europæiske kunder L2496-900112.fm Page 27 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMGive Kunden yderligere garantirettigheder Bortskaffelse af materialer L2496-900112.fm Page 28 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMLovpligtigt model-id-nummer SikkerhedsforanstaltningerHP-produkt Varighet for begrenset garanti HPs erklæring om begrenset garanti NorskL2496-900112.fm Page 29 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM L2496-900112.fm Page 30 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Service og støtte GarantioppgraderingKun for europeiske kunder MaterialavhendingSikkerhetsforanstaltninger L2496-900112.fm Page 31 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMID-nummer for modell L2496-900112.fm Page 32 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM HPn rajoitettu takuu SuomiHP-tuote Rajoitetun takuun kestoaika Takuun rajoituksetMateriaalien hдvittдminen L2496-900112.fm Page 33 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMVain eurooppalaisille asiakkaille Säädöksellinen mallin tunnistenumero L2496-900112.fm Page 34 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMLisätietoja määräyksistä on kameran käyttöoppaassa TurvaohjeetL2496-900112.fm Page 35 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Ограниченная гарантия HP РусскийИзделие HP Срок действия ограниченной гарантии НосителиОбслуживание и поддержка Дополнительные виды гарантии L2496-900112.fm Page 36 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMУтилизация материалов L2496-900112.fm Page 37 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMНормативный идентификационный номер модели Меры предосторожностиProdus HP Perioada de garanţie limitată Declaraţie de garanţie limitată HP RomânăL2496-90011.fm Page 38 Thursday, April 5, 2007 1100 AM Dezafectarea materialelor L2496-90011.fm Page 39 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 933 AMNumai pentru clienţii din Europa Număr de identificare a modelului în nomenclator L2496-900112.fm Page 40 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMMăsuri de siguranţă Nu reîncărcaţi baterii care nu sunt reîncărcabileProdukt HP Doba omezené záruky Prohlášení o omezené záruce HP ČeskyL2496-900112.fm Page 41 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Informace pouze pro zákazníky v Evropě L2496-90011.fm Page 42 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 936 AMČeská republika Servis a podpora Možnosti rozšířené záruky Likvidace materiáluBezpečnostní opatření L2496-90011.fm Page 43 Thursday, April 5, 2007 1100 AMRegulační identifikační číslo modelu HP termék Korlátozott jótállási kötelezettség időtartama HP korlátozott jótállási nyilatkozat MagyarL2496-900112.fm Page 44 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Csak az európai vásárlók számára L2496-900112.fm Page 45 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMSzolgáltatás és támogatás Jótállás-megújítási lehetőségBiztonsági előírások L2496-900112.fm Page 46 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMSzabályozási modellszám Ograniczenia gwarancji L2496-90011.fm Page 47 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 941 AMProdukt HP Okres ważności ograniczonej gwarancji Prawo lokalne L2496-900112.fm Page 48 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMDotyczy tylko klientów z Europy PolskaUsuwanie materiałów L2496-900112.fm Page 49 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMPrawny numer identyfikacyjny modelu Środki bezpieczeństwaL2496-900112.fm Page 50 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM HP sınırlı garanti bildirimi TürkçeHP ürünü Sınırlı garantinin süresi Paketinin üzerindeki garanti bilgilerine bakınYerel Yasalar L2496-900112.fm Page 51 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMHizmet ve destek Yükseltilmiş garanti seçeneği Malzemelerin atılmasıGüvenlik önlemleri L2496-90011.fm Page 52 Thursday, April 5, 2007 1100 AMΠροϊόν HP Περίοδος περιορισµένης εγγύησης ∆ήλωση περιορισµένης εγγύησης HP ΕλληνικάL2496-900112.fm Page 53 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Μόνο για πελάτες στην Ευρώπη L2496-900112.fm Page 54 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM∆. Τοπική νοµοθεσία Απόρριψη υλικών L2496-900112.fm Page 55 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMΚανονιστικός αριθµός αναγνώρισης µοντέλου Προφυλάξεις ασφαλείαςL2496-900112.fm Page 56 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM HP izjava o ograničenom jamstvu HrvatskiHP proizvod Razdoblje ograničenog jamstva Medij softveraServis i podrška Opcija ažuriranog jamstva L2496-900112.fm Page 57 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMOdlaganje materijala Identifikacijski broj modela prema propisimaMjere opreza L2496-900112.fm Page 58 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMПродукт на HP Период на ограничената гаранция Условия на ограничената гаранция на HP БългарскиL2496-900112.fm Page 59 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Само за клиенти в Европа L2496-90011.fm Page 60 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1033 AMБългария Обслужване и поддръжка Възможност за разширяване на гаранциятаИзхвърляне на материалите L2496-900112.fm Page 61 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMНормативен идентификационен номер на модела Мерки за безопасностVýrobok Doba obmedzenej záruky Značky HP Vyhlásenie o obmedzenej záruke HP SlovenskyL2496-900112.fm Page 62 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Služby a podpora Možnosť rozšírenej záruky L2496-90011.fm Page 63 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 942 AMInformácie len pre zákazníkov v krajinách Európy Likvidácia materiálov L2496-900112.fm Page 64 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMHomologizačné identifikačné číslo modelu Bezpečnostné opatreniaHP-jev izdelek Obdobje omejene garancije HP-jeva izjava o omejeni garanciji SlovenščinaL2496-900112.fm Page 65 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PM Odlaganje materialov L2496-90011.fm Page 66 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 943 AMZa evropske stranke Varnostni ukrepi L2496-900112.fm Page 67 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 144 PMUpravna identifikacijska številka modela L2496-90011.fm Page 68 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1006 AM L2496-90011.fm Page 69 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1007 AM L2496-90011.fm Page 70 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1007 AM Page Page Page L2496-90011