Home Automation OmniPro II Emergency Keys, Fire Alarm Activated, Gas Alarm Activated, Page

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Fire Alarm Activated

For more information on the digital and voice dialer - See Digital Dialer and Voice Dialer.

The system continues to sound all alarms and flash the flashing light for 1-30 minutes after the alarm is activated.

After a 1-30 minute period, the sounder is turned off, and the alarm system resets itself. The console beeper stays on. If a zone is tripped after a reset, the sounder will again be activated, and the dialer will again dial out.

At any time, the alarm system can be turned off at the console.

Fire Alarm Activated

When the fire alarm is activated by the smoke/fire detector(s), the alarm responds exactly as described under Burglar Alarm Activated, except:

The console display reads, "FIRE ALARM! ZONE NAME TRIPPED".

The sounder will activate in a 3 pulse temporal pattern to distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm.

The fire alarm takes priority over the burglar alarm, however, if a gas alarm is already active, it will not override the gas alarm.

NOTE: If multiple alarm types occur, such as both Fire and Police, the display will alternate between the alarm types.

Gas Alarm Activated

When the gas alarm is activated, the alarm responds exactly as described under Burglar Alarm Activated, except:

The console display reads, "GAS ALARM! ZONE NAME TRIPPED".

The sounder will pulse on - off - on, then an extended off period to distinguish it from the burglar or fire alarm.

The gas alarm takes priority over the burglar alarm, however, if a fire alarm is already active, it will not override the fire alarm.

Emergency Keys

Emergency alarm conditions can be activated through the console. These conditions (Fire, Police, and Auxiliary) are initiated with the simultaneous depression of two keys for approximately 1-second.


Gas Alarm ActivatedEmergency Keys POL

Manual backgroundManual background FIRE

Manual backgroundManual background AUX

NOTE: The Emergency keys are always armed. The Fire and Auxiliary emergency alarms are silenced by pressing the ' * ' key. To cancel a Police emergency alarm you must press the Off key and enter your code.

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Contents HOME AUTOMATION, INC Control & Security SystemDocument Number 20R00-2Rev. January Copyright 2001-2006Home Automation, Inc All Rights ReservedSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION INTRODUCTIONOVERALL DESCRIPTION ContentsCONTROL TELEPHONE CONTROL SETUP CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSFEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage INTRODUCTION Underwriters Laboratories UL ListingPage 1- OFF OVERALL DESCRIPTIONConsole Operation 2- DAY6- UP ARROW Normal Top-LevelDisplayDisplay Menus 7- CONSOLE LEDTrouble Beeps Error BeepsMain Menu To silence the beeper, press the * keyAreas OmniPro II MaintenanceCancel Confirmation Beep0 = OFF SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONArming the Security System 1 = DAY3 = AWAY Using Shortcut Keys2 = NIGHT 4 = VACATIONBypassing Zones 9 = RESTOREQuick Arm Restoring ZonesBurglar Alarm Activated What To Do When You Come HomeWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated #=GOTOEmergency Keys Fire Alarm ActivatedGas Alarm Activated PageAlarm Cancel Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Reset Police EmergencyMaster Code Trouble IndicationsCodes PageArea Arming Panic SwitchesDuress Code Manager CodeGOTO Area PageTesting Your System PageAbout UPB Control CommandsCONTROL PageHAI Lighting Control HLC Format When set to UPB, the OmniPro II controller canRoom Controller LED Indicators About RoomsAbout House Controllers About CentraLiteAbout Lutron RadioRA PageHouse Codes About ALCAbout ALC Module TypesModule / Output Unit Numbers Unit NumbersOmniPro II Unit Numbers PageControlling Units Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomScrolling Through Names Controlling a Room of HLC LightingControlling CentraLite Units StepOperation PageControlling RadioRA Units Controlling ALC or X-10UnitsPage Controlling Compose Units Ramp Command ALCScene Command Compose PageInternal Flags Timed CommandsStatus of a Unit PageAll Lights On Controlling OutputsAll On / Off All OffScene On Command Scene CommandsScene Set Command Leviton Scene ControlUPB Links Scene Off CommandSetting a Link Lighting Scenes Activating and Deactivating LinksENTER BUTTON Executing Phantom ButtonsExecuting CentraLite Scenes PHANTOM BUTTON 1 0=OFF 1=ONLeave for Work Button ButtonsTemperature Control Dinner for Two ButtonHAI RC-SeriesThermostats PageProgrammable Energy Saver Modules PESMs PageThe following control actions are allowed on PESMs PageIndoor and Outdoor Temperature Freeze AlarmsIMPORTANT NOTES PageOutdoor Temperature Temperature AlarmsHumidity Temperature Control of AppliancesStatus Configuring HLC DevicesConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console PageStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationRING - RINGING ONHK - ON HOOKOFFHK - OFF HOOK DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINETHROUGH PageEvent Log Show EventsPage Play Memo Message MessagesRecord Memo Message Clear Text MessagesClear Message Show MessageLog Message Say MessageMSGNAME Send Message Pro-LinkSERIAL PORT ENTER MESSAGEIn-HousePhones TELEPHONE CONTROLTelephone Interface Remote PhonesMain Menu Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutAlternate Method Page3 - Button 1 - Control2 - Security 4 - All6 - Status When an HAI Communicating Thermostat is enteredWhen a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered 7 - EventsPlaying and Recording a Message When the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used8 - Message Paging and ListeningPlaying and Recording the Address 9 - Good-ByePanic Button over the Phone # # # # # # PageVoice Dialer Emergency Dial-OutDigital Dialer How the OmniPro II Voice Dialer WorksEntering the Code PC AccessWhat You Hear - If Your OmniPro II Calls You PageOmniPro II Ethernet Connections Connecting to Network via PC AccessBuilt-InEthernet Port PageLocal Network Dynamic DNSPage i.e Local / Wide Area Networki.e PageAccess Areas SETUPSet Up Codes Authority LevelTIME Set Up TimeDuress Code Page2 = Show Programs Advanced Control Programming ACP1 = Add Programs PageMenu PageEdit Programs 3 = Delete All ProgramsPage Edit Programs When Times ProgramsPage Control Unit / Switch Press Event Buttons Button and Event ProgramsPage OmniPro Corresponding Switch TableSwitch UPB 6-ButtonKeypadUPB Link Event Buttons Zone Event ButtonsAll On/Off Event Buttons PageMiscellaneous Event Buttons Alarm Event ButtonsX-10Event Buttons PageSwitch Press Event Buttons CentraLite Message Event Buttons Pro-LinkPage Edit Program Command Program Control CommandsPage Program Button Commands Unit Toggle CommandProgram Security Commands Program All On / All Off CommandsProgram Temperature Commands Program Video CommandsProgram Message Commands Program Energy CostProgram Security Mode Conditions Edit Program ConditionProgram Control Conditions Program Zone ConditionsProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Other ConditionsPage Remote Commands Set Up DialTelephone Access Answer Outside CallDial Order Dial Out NumberDial Out Numbers PageExit Delay Set Up ArmingEntry Delay Audible Exit DelayEnable Auto Bypass Set up MiscellaneousEnable Quick Arm All On For AlarmHouse Codes 1-16Format Enable Freeze AlarmFlash For Alarm FORMATHouse Codes 1-16All On Time ClocksPage Daylight Savings Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneZONE NAME PageNUMBER Controller IP AddressController Port Number DESCRIPTIONSet Up Names Encryption KeyPage SET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓ Set Up VoiceSet Up Address 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTS FIRE ESCAPE PLANNINGPage FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE PageCANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONESPage APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER OmniPro II Voice Dial-OutPlannerPage INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTY PageCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARDESCRIPTION APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODESCODE CODECODE CODEDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONCODE CODEDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION NOTES ON CUSTOM PHRASESCODE CODEPage NOTE TO INSTALLER HAI New Orleans, LA U S A