Home Automation OmniPro II Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated, Alarm Reset, Page

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Police Emergency

When the 1 key and the 3 keys are pressed simultaneously, the Police Emergency alarm is activated. This alarm operates exactly the same as described for Burglar Alarm Activated except:

The console display indicates: "BURGLARY! - POLICE EMERG TRIPPED".

The interior sounder and the outdoor siren are activated immediately. There is no outside siren delay.

Fire Emergency

When the 4 key and the 6 key is pressed simultaneously, the Fire Emergency alarm is activated. This alarm operates exactly the same as described for Police Emergency Button except:

The sounders activates in a 3 pulse temporal pattern distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm.

The console display will read: "FIRE ALM - FIRE EMERG TRIPPED".

The Fire Emergency alarm can be turned off at any time by pressing the ' * ' key.

Auxiliary Emergency

When the 7 key and the 9 key is pressed simultaneously, the Auxiliary Emergency alarm is activated.

The console beeper comes on - display indicates: "AUX ALARM! AUX EMG BTN TRIPPED".

The console beeper continues to sound until the alarm is reset.

Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated

(See Duress Code for a description of when to use)

In the event that you enter your duress code or a Duress zone is tripped, the system performs a silent dial out as follows:

No alarms, lights or console beepers are activated. The system does not display the duress alarm.

The system waits the dial out delay, then begins to dial out.

If you are having your system monitored, the central station will be sent a code representing a silent alarm (duress).

Alarm Reset

The alarm system will reset itself after the outside siren has been on for 1-30 minutes. When the alarm system resets, any zone that is ready is reactivated, so the alarm system will be activated again if the zone is tripped. If a zone remains not ready (i.e. a door has been left open) it will be automatically bypassed when the alarm resets.

Alarm Cancel

At any time, you can silence your alarm system by pressing the Off key and entering your code. If the system has reported, or is in the process of reporting an alarm to a central station, it will send the alarm code followed by a code indicating that the user has canceled the alarm. If an alarm is canceled before the dial out delay has expired, the system will not report any alarm.

If an alarm is canceled during a voice dial out, the system hangs up immediately.

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Contents Control & Security System HOME AUTOMATION, INCDocument Number 20R00-2Rev. January All Rights Reserved Copyright 2001-2006Home Automation, IncContents INTRODUCTIONOVERALL DESCRIPTION SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONCONTROL TELEPHONE CONTROL SETUP APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSFEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEPage Underwriters Laboratories UL Listing INTRODUCTIONPage 2- DAY OVERALL DESCRIPTIONConsole Operation 1- OFF7- CONSOLE LED Normal Top-LevelDisplayDisplay Menus 6- UP ARROWTo silence the beeper, press the * key Error BeepsMain Menu Trouble BeepsConfirmation Beep OmniPro II MaintenanceCancel Areas1 = DAY SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONArming the Security System 0 = OFF4 = VACATION Using Shortcut Keys2 = NIGHT 3 = AWAYRestoring Zones 9 = RESTOREQuick Arm Bypassing Zones#=GOTO What To Do When You Come HomeWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated Burglar Alarm ActivatedPage Fire Alarm ActivatedGas Alarm Activated Emergency KeysPolice Emergency Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Reset Alarm CancelPage Trouble IndicationsCodes Master CodeManager Code Panic SwitchesDuress Code Area ArmingPage GOTO AreaPage Testing Your SystemPage Control CommandsCONTROL About UPBAbout Rooms When set to UPB, the OmniPro II controller canRoom Controller LED Indicators HAI Lighting Control HLC FormatPage About CentraLiteAbout Lutron RadioRA About House ControllersALC Module Types About ALCAbout House CodesPage Unit NumbersOmniPro II Unit Numbers Module / Output Unit NumbersControlling a Room of HLC Lighting Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomScrolling Through Names Controlling UnitsPage StepOperation Controlling CentraLite UnitsControlling ALC or X-10Units Controlling RadioRA UnitsPage Page Ramp Command ALCScene Command Compose Controlling Compose UnitsPage Timed CommandsStatus of a Unit Internal FlagsAll Off Controlling OutputsAll On / Off All Lights OnLeviton Scene Control Scene CommandsScene Set Command Scene On CommandActivating and Deactivating Links Scene Off CommandSetting a Link Lighting Scenes UPB LinksPHANTOM BUTTON 1 0=OFF 1=ON Executing Phantom ButtonsExecuting CentraLite Scenes ENTER BUTTONDinner for Two Button ButtonsTemperature Control Leave for Work ButtonPage HAI RC-SeriesThermostatsPage Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMsPage The following control actions are allowed on PESMsPage Freeze AlarmsIMPORTANT NOTES Indoor and Outdoor TemperatureTemperature Control of Appliances Temperature AlarmsHumidity Outdoor TemperaturePage Configuring HLC DevicesConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console StatusStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationDEAD - DEAD PHONE LINE ONHK - ON HOOKOFFHK - OFF HOOK RING - RINGINGPage THROUGHShow Events Event LogPage Clear Text Messages MessagesRecord Memo Message Play Memo MessageSay Message Show MessageLog Message Clear MessageENTER MESSAGE Send Message Pro-LinkSERIAL PORT MSGNAMERemote Phones TELEPHONE CONTROLTelephone Interface In-HousePhonesPage Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutAlternate Method Main Menu4 - All 1 - Control2 - Security 3 - Button7 - Events When an HAI Communicating Thermostat is enteredWhen a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered 6 - StatusPaging and Listening When the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used8 - Message Playing and Recording a MessagePage 9 - Good-ByePanic Button over the Phone # # # # # # Playing and Recording the AddressHow the OmniPro II Voice Dialer Works Emergency Dial-OutDigital Dialer Voice DialerPage PC AccessWhat You Hear - If Your OmniPro II Calls You Entering the CodePage Connecting to Network via PC AccessBuilt-InEthernet Port OmniPro II Ethernet ConnectionsDynamic DNS Local NetworkPage Page Local / Wide Area Networki.e i.eAuthority Level SETUPSet Up Codes Access AreasPage Set Up TimeDuress Code TIMEPage Advanced Control Programming ACP1 = Add Programs 2 = Show ProgramsPage Menu3 = Delete All Programs Edit ProgramsPage Times Programs Edit Programs WhenPage Button and Event Programs Control Unit / Switch Press Event ButtonsPage UPB 6-ButtonKeypad Corresponding Switch TableSwitch OmniProPage Zone Event ButtonsAll On/Off Event Buttons UPB Link Event ButtonsPage Alarm Event ButtonsX-10Event Buttons Miscellaneous Event ButtonsMessage Event Buttons Pro-Link Switch Press Event Buttons CentraLitePage Program Control Commands Edit Program CommandPage Program All On / All Off Commands Unit Toggle CommandProgram Security Commands Program Button CommandsProgram Energy Cost Program Video CommandsProgram Message Commands Program Temperature CommandsProgram Zone Conditions Edit Program ConditionProgram Control Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Other Conditions Program Time Clock ConditionsPage Answer Outside Call Set Up DialTelephone Access Remote CommandsPage Dial Out NumberDial Out Numbers Dial OrderAudible Exit Delay Set Up ArmingEntry Delay Exit DelayAll On For Alarm Set up MiscellaneousEnable Quick Arm Enable Auto BypassFORMAT Enable Freeze AlarmFlash For Alarm House Codes 1-16FormatTime Clocks House Codes 1-16All OnPage Page Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneZONE NAME Daylight SavingsDESCRIPTION Controller IP AddressController Port Number NUMBEREncryption Key Set Up NamesPage 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑ Set Up VoiceSet Up Address SET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSPage Page FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICEIF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONES CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEPage OmniPro II Voice Dial-OutPlanner APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage Page INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTYCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARCODE APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODESCODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE NOTES ON CUSTOM PHRASESCODE DESCRIPTIONPage HAI New Orleans, LA U S A NOTE TO INSTALLER