Piston Rod Seals
1.Follow steps
2.Remove the top cap from the operator by tapping it off and then sliding it off the piston rod.
3.Put the top cap in a vise with the seal retainer facing down. Insert a screwdriver in the middle hole and tap it with a hammer until the seal retainer and two seals come out.
4.Replace the old seals with the new ones and put the seal retainer back in. You may need a 1/4” punch to get them in. Insert one at a time and tap each one until it bottoms out. The spring side goes down.
5.Follow step 9 and 10 from above.
Breather Vents and Check Ball
The operator does not have to be removed from the wall for this procedure. On the bottom of each tube is a breather vent built into a 7/16” nut. Unscrew the breather vent with a 7/16” wrench and make certain the check ball comes out of the bottom cap. Clean with solvent and/or blow clean with air pressure. Replace in bottom of the tube making certain the check ball goes in the hole first.
Needle Valve
The needle valve adjusts the speed of the door during the last two feet of each cycle. The control screw closest to the wall controls the down cycle. The control screw furthest from the wall controls the up cycle. If you remove this needle valve, it is very important that you replace it in the same hole you took it from. This can be a problem because the exhaust hole and the threaded hole are the same size and actually touch each other. If you put the airflow control screw in the exhaust hole, you will lose control of the piston speed.
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