MB QUART PAB 1200.1 D, PAB 2100c manual Setting up systems After installation For best performance

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Setting up systems

after installation

for best performance


As mentioned in the “General Installation Notes” section, the system should now be powered up, and working. At this point, all crossover frequency and input selection switches should be properly set for the application, and all volume, level and equalizer controls turned to minimum.

Level control setup:

Insert a CD or cassette that you are familiar with to use as a reference, and turn the head unit volume control to about 80% of its full setting. The system sound level will of course be very low, and the following procedures will help you to match the amplifier input sensitivities properly to the head unit output signal level.

Single 2 channel amplifier systems:

Turn the level control up slowly, till you hear distortion, then back off a few degrees on the control.

Single 4 channel amplifier systems:

Turn the channel 1&2 level control up slowly, till you hear distortion, then back off a few degrees on the control. Repeat for channel 3&4.

2 or 3 way active systems:

Always start with the bass, or low frequency amplifier as a reference, by turning its control up to the point where distortion is audible, and back it off some.

Now adjust the level control for the highs or tweeter channels in a 2 way active system, to balance the highs to lows.

In a 3 way active system, match the midrange level to the bass, and then the highs to the midrange and bass. It may be necessary to perform a few iterations of the midrange and highs level control settings to achieve a satisfactory sound balance.

Crossover frequency fine tuning:

We had started off in the “General Installation Notes” section by setting crossover frequency controls to approximate positions, and now you can adjust these for best sound quality. Be careful not to stray too far from those crossover frequencies as recommended by the loudspeaker manufac- turer, as it is quite possible to damage midrange and tweeters with excess power outside their nominal operating frequency ranges.

Equalizer setup:

Once all levels and crossover frequencies have been set for a pleasant sound balance, we can start equalizing the system frequency response. It is important to remember that a boost applied at any frequency, or range of frequencies, will cause severe amplifier clipping. The following comments apply to ALL equalizers and tone controls on the amplifiers, as well as those on head units and dash mount equalizers.

Use the head unit volume control to adjust the system to an intermediate level, and proceed to adjust equalizers and tone controls to personal taste. Now go back to the Level control setup above, and readjust all level controls.

Sit back and enjoy the music!

Troubleshooting a system

The key to finding the problem in a misbehaving sound system is to isolate parts of that system in a logical fashion to track down the fault.

Description of the Diagnostic system built into all MB QUART amplifiers:

The diagnostic system will shut down the amplifier, until reset by turning the head unit off, and back on. This state of affairs will be indicated by the front panel PROTECT LED lighting up under the following conditions:

1 - A short circuit on the loudspeaker leads.

2 - An internal amplifier fault that causes a DC offset on the loudspeaker output.

Should the amplifier go into diagnostic mode, simply disconnect all RCA and speaker leads, while keeping +12 volt, power ground and remote leads connected. Now turn the amplifier back on, and if the diagnostic LED lights, the amplifier has an internal fault.

If not, plug the RCA cables back, and reset the amplifier. If it goes into diagnostic now, the fault lies in the input, either with bad cables or source unit. If the amplifier seems fine with RCA cables plugged in, connect the speakers, one at a time, and if one of the speakers or its wiring is faulty, it will activate the diagnostic system.


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Contents Félicitations CongratulationsHerzlichen Glückwunsch ¡EnhorabuenaWarranty IndexInstallation System designMulti-Channel amps 4 & 2 ohms stereo, 4 ohms mono bridged Input Mode slide switchPremium Multi-Channel Amplifiers Premium Mono Amplifier CH1/2 X-OVER slide switchCH3/4 X-OVER slide switch PAB 5400 has three sets of inputsFull range mono PAB 2100 2-Channel AmplifierFull range stereo Level control checklist Mono bass woofer wiringCrossover frequency control checklist Highs amplifier Lows amplifierOr 3 channel full range system PAB 4100 4-Channel AmplifierChannel full range system Way active, or bi-amplified system with mono bass Channel highs amplifier Channels 1/2 Channels 3/4 Switch setting checklist Channel highs amplifierOver switch LP/BP Channel bass amplifierMinimum final loudspeaker impedances 2 ohm per channel PAB 5400 5-Channel AmplifierChannel discrete One being mono low pass Way active, with mono bass Front/rear high pass, with constant sub bassMinimum final loudspeaker impedance 1 ohm PAB 1200.1 D Mono AmplifierBasic application Setting up systems After installation For best performance Troubleshooting a systemCauses of overheating Low output powerAmplifier heatsink overheating Fuses blowingInhaltsverzeichnis GarantieNetz- und Masseanschlüsse SystemauslegungAllgemeines Sichere AnschlussabfolgePremium Mehrkanal-Verstärker Schiebeschalter zur Wahl des Eingangsmodus ModeMONO-Signal handelt GebrücktPremium Mono-Verstärker Line InputVollbereich-Mono-Betrieb PAB 2100 2-Kanal-VerstärkerVollbereich-Stereo-Betrieb HinweisCheckliste für die LEVEL-Regler Checkliste für die KabelverbindungenCheckliste für die Einstellung der Weichenschalter Anschluss des Mono-SubwoofersKanal-Vollbereichssystem Checkliste für die Einstellung der PegelreglerPAB 4100 4-Kanal-Verstärker Bzw -Kanal-VollbereichssystemKanäle 1/2 Kanäle 3/4 HI Pass 100 Hz Wege-Aktiv- bzw. Bi-Verstärker-System Mit Mono-BassCH X-OVER Position „HI CH X-OVER Position „LP/BP PAB 4100 4-Kanal-Verstärker PAB 5400 5-Kanal-Verstärker Konfiguration 5-Kanal diskret Ein Kanal als Mono-TiefpassWege Aktiv-System mit Mono-Bass Front-/Heck-Hochpass mit konstantem SubwooferPAB 1200.1 D Mono-Verstärker BasisanwendungEinfache 4-Kanal-Verstärkeranlagen Einstellen der StufenreglerEinfache 2-Kanal-Verstärkeranlagen Aktive 2- oder 3-Wege-AnlagenFehlersuche innerhalb der Anlage Sommaire Garantie Consignes D‘INSTALLATION GénéralesAprès L‘INSTALLATION Description DES DON Nées CaractéristiquesGénéralités Mise en service de l‘installationConception du système Raccordement au secteur et à la terreAmplificateur multicanal Premium Commutateur de filtre actif X-OverCanal 5 5 CH Amplificateur mono PremiumAmplificateur 5 canaux PAB Amplificateur 2 canaux PAB Mode stéréo large bandeMode mono large bande RemarqueCheck-list pour les régulateurs Level Raccordement du subwoofer monoCheck-list pour le réglage des commutateurs de filtre Minimum pour les impédances globales du haut-parleurSystème large bande 2 ou 3 canaux Amplificateur 4 canaux PABSystème large bande 4 canaux Canaux 1/2 Canaux 3/4 HI Pass non applicableLOW Pass non applicable LOW Pass 100 Hz Système actifs à 2 voies ou bi-amplificateur Avec mono bassCanaux 1/2 Canaux 3/4 HI Pass 100 Hz Amplificateur d‘aiguës 4 canaux Ohms par canal Amplificateur 5 canaux PABCheck-list pour le réglage des commutateurs de filtre actif Canaux 1, 2, 3 et 4 conformément à l‘illustrationSystèmes actifs à 3 voies avec mono bass Passe-haut avant/arrière avec subwoofer constantAmplificateur mono PAB 1200.1 D Application de baseAmplificateurs 2 canaux simples Installations actives à 2 ou 3 voiesRéglage du régulateur de niveau Amplificateurs 4 canaux simplesRecherche de pannes à l‘intérieur De l‘installation Índice GarantíaDiseño del sistema InstalaciónInstrucciones DE Servicio Amplificador multicanal PremiumAtención LOS Amplificadores Nunca SE Pueden Operar a UNA De 4 ohmios puenteadoImpedancia Inferior a LA Impedancia Para LA Cual SE HAN Amplificador mono PremiumAmplificador de 5 canales PAB Indicación Amplificador de 2 canales PABServicio estéreo de gama completa Lista de comprobación para el regulador Level Lista de comprobación para las conexiones de cablesConexión del altavoz de graves mono Valores mínimos para las impedancias de altavoz totalesSistema de gama completa de 2 ó 3 canales Amplificador de 4 canales PABSistema de gama completa de 4 canales Lista de comprobación para las conexiones de cablesMono Con bajo mono y fundido de altos/bajos2CH X-OVER Posición HI 4CH X-OVER Posición LP/BP Lista de comprobación para el ajuste de los reguladores4CH X-OVER Posición HI Paso alto frontal/trasero con empleo de un2CH X-OVER Posición HI Canales 1/2 Canales 3/4 HI Pass 100 Hz LOW Pass No procedeAmplificador de 5 canales PAB Sistema activo de 3 vías con bajo mono Paso alto frontal/trasero con altavoz de graves constanteSubsonic de 10 Hz a 50 Hz Amplificador mono PAB 1200.1 DAplicación básica La conexión de combinaciones de altavocesInstalaciones de amplificador de 4 canales sencillas Ajuste de los reguladores de nivelInstalaciones de amplificador de 2 canales sencillas Instalaciones de dos o tres direcciones activasLos fusibles se funden por Sobrecalentamiento del cuerpo refrigerador del amplificadorPotencia de salida baja La instalación no se puede conectarIndice GaranziaAttacchi alla rete e massa InstallazioneIstruzioni generali Sequenza sicura d’esecuzione degli attacchi4CH X-OVER Amplificatore a più canali Premium2CH X-OVER Canale 5 5 CH Amplificatore Mono PremiumAmplificatore a 5 canali PAB Funzionamento in Mono a gamma completa Amplificatore PAB 2100 a due canaliFunzionamento dello Stereo a gamma completa IndicazioneLista di controllo del regolatore Level Lista di controllo per i collegamenti con i caviAttacco del Subwoofer Mono Impedenze minime per tutto l’altoparlanteImpianto a gamma completa a due o tre canali Amplificatore a quattro canali PABImpianto a quattro canali a gamma completa Lista di controllo per il regolatore Level Lista di controllo per i collegamenti con i caviAttacco del Subwoofer Mono Impedenze minime totali dell’altoparlanteInterruttore X-OVER posizione „BP CH X-OVER posizione „HIAmplificatore dei bassi a due canali Amplificatore bassi a due canaliAmplificatore a 5 canali PAB Di transizioneLista di controllo per il collegamenti con i cavi Impianto attivo a tre vie con Mono-BassLista di controllo per i regolatori Level Impedenze minime totali dell’altoparlante 1 Ohm Amplificatore Mono PAB 1200.1 DApplicazione base Impianti semplici con amplificatore a quattro canali Settaggio del livelloImpianti semplici con amplificatore a due canali Impianti attivi a 2 o 3 vieDiagnostica guasti nell’impianto MB QuartПрименения Усилителей Гарантия Общие Указания ПО МонтажуОписание Параметрических Данных Усилителей После МонтажаНадежная последовательность выполнения подключения Общие сведенияПодключения к сети/соединения на массу Мы будем почти готовы к включению системы в работуУсиления 3&4 Канальный усилитель PABУсиления 1&2 Моно-усилитель PAB 1200.1 D Канал 5 5 CHКонтрольный перечень для соединения проводов Полнодиапазонный стерео-режимПолнодиапазонный моно-режим ПримечаниеПодключение моно-сабвуфера СистемеКонтрольный перечень для соединений проводов ФильтровКонтрольный перечень для соединения проводами Канальная полнодиапазонная системаИли 3-канальная полнодиапазонная система Минимум для совокупных импедансов динамиков 2 Ом на каналВысоких/низких частот Низкими частотами моноНижними частотами моно и микшированием Канальная активная или двухусилительная система сИспользованием 2-канального усилителя для моно-сабвуфера Канальный усилитель низких частотОм на канал в стерео-режиме Конфигурация в виде 5 дискретных каналовМинимум для совокупных импедансов динамиков 2 Ом на каналl Ом на каналРазделительным фильтром Канальная активная система с низкими Частотами моноПостоянным сабвуфером Минимум для совокупных импедансов динамиков 1 Ом Основное применениеНа рисунке Тонкая настройка переходной частоты Настройка регуляторов уровняАктивные 2- или 3-канальные системы все Настройка эквалайзераПерегорают предохранители Перегрев радиатора усилителяНизкая выходная мощность Система не включаетсяOutput Power Circuit Configuration Output Power Rating Watt RMS 14.4V battery OhmsMono Bridged at 2-Ohms Power Supply Ratio A-WeightVariabler Tiefpass Mono 24dB Frequenzweichenschaltung Kanal 1+2Variabler Hochpass-/ Subsonic Filter Variabler Subsonic FilterX X S O N I C S U S a , I N C Ensell Road