The pincode system | 37 |
The pincode system prevents people who do not know the pincode from using the TV. When the pincode system is activated and the TV has been disconnected from the mains for
Activate the pincode system
Enter a four digit pincode to activate the system.
Change the pincode
Change the pincode you have chosen.*1
Delete the pincode
Delete the pincode you have chosen.
Enter the pincode
If you cannot switch on the TV after disconnection from the mains, wait 30 seconds and try again.
If you forget the pincode
Contact your Bang & Olufsen retailer to receive a five digit mastercode.
Bring up ‘TV SETUP’ menu
Bring up ‘TV SETUP’ menu
Bring up ‘TV SETUP’ menu
Enter pincode
Hold when prompted for pincode to display five fields*2
Press Press twice
Press Press twice
Press Press twice
Enter five digit mastercode
Enter a four digit |
| |
code and accept |
| and accept |
Enter pincode, |
| Enter new code, |
accept and select |
| accept, |
| ||
| and accept |
Enter pincode and |
| Select ‘DELETE |
accept |
| PINCODE’ and accept |
Accept to delete pincode, you can now activate pincode system again
1*Change of pincode | If you change your pincode more than five times within a | NOTE! If you are prompted for a pincode the |
| period, the ‘PINCODE’ menu becomes inaccessible for three hours, | first time you switch on your TV, contact your |
| assuming that the TV is not disconnected from the mains. | Bang & Olufsen retailer. To cancel a pincode |
Incorrect pincode | Five incorrect entries will cause the TV to shut down for three hours, | entry and clear the input fields, press BACK. On |
| during which operation is not possible. Disconnecting the TV resets the | Beo4, press STOP. |
| 2*On Beo4 hold to bring up the five fields. |