WinterWarm Fireplace Insert or System
Adjust the Door Latch Periodically
The front door of the WinterWarm should close securely to prevent accidental opening and should close tightly to prevent air from leaking into the fire chamber. The door handle will be positioned vertically when the door is closed.
Over a period of time, the gasket around the door will compress and the latch may need adjustment. To adjust the handle, follow this procedure (Fig. 8):
1.Loosen the small lock nut with a wrench.
2.Extend the striker screw one turn by turning it with an Allen wrench.
Test the door seal. Close the door on a dollar bill and attempt to pull it free. If the bill is freed with little resis- tance, the gasket isn’t snug enough at that spot. Contin-
Locking Nut
Striker Screw
Set Screw
Handle Stub | ST531 |
Fig. 8 An adjustable latch lets you restore a tight seal to the WinterWarm’s door.
ue to make small adjustments until the setting is right.
If additional adjusting of the latch does not enable the door to seal sufficiently in one area, try “adjusting” the gasket in that area. Pack more cement or a smaller diameter gasket into the channel beneath the gasket so the main gasket is raised and makes contact with the door frame. This procedure should solve the problem. If it doesn’t, replace the gasket following the directions below.
How to Replace Gaskets
Your WinterWarm uses
to make a tight seal between some parts. With use, par- ticularly on those parts that move, gaskets can become brittle and compressed and can begin to lose their ef- fectiveness. These will need periodic replacement.
All of the gaskets used are made of fiberglass. The three sizes of replaceable gasket are listed below,
along with their application.
Replaceable WinterWarm Fiberglass Gaskets
Gasket Size... | ...And The Parts It Seals |
1/2” | The door to the front (#1) |
1/2” | The door to the front edge of |
| the grate (#2) |
3/16” | The cassette glass seal to |
| the door (#3) |
3/8” The damper to the upper fireback (#4)
| Short Re- |
| tainer Clips |
| Welded |
| Corner |
| Toward |
| Firebox |
| Long Retainer |
#3 Gasket | Clips |
| |
#2 Gasket |
#1 Gasket | FP1076 |
Fig. 9 Front door components allow replacement of the glass, gaskets or both.
Should you need to change a replaceable gasket, wait until the fire is out and the stove has cooled. Be sure to follow the standard safety procedure for working with dusty materials: Wear safety goggles and a dust mask. The procedure for replacing gaskets is the same, regardless of the gasket location. Four
1.Remove the existing fiberglass gasket by grasping an end and pulling firmly.
2.Use a wire brush or the tip of a screwdriver to clean the channel of any remaining cement or bits of gas- ket.
3.Apply a thin bead of stove cement to the newly- cleaned groove.
4.Pack a new gasket into the groove. Wait until you have placed all but a couple inches from the end before you trim the end to an exact fit.
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