Preparing for OperationH25-IR
2.5.3 Gas Type
GAS TYPE | < | R134A |
| R401A |
| R402A |
| < R402B |
The GAS TYPE function sets the type of gas being monitored. Use the Up and Down buttons to highlight the desired gas. Press ENT to save the selection.
NOTE: The gases displayed depend on which optical bench is installed. Refer to Section “7 Specifications.”
2.5.4 Feedback Mode
The FEEDBACK MODE function provides the operator both visual and audible feedback in regard to the measured leak rate. This function determines how the
CONTINUOUS – The bar graph and audible tone continuously increase and decrease their values in step with the leak rate. For example, when the leak rate increases, the bar graph moves upscale and the audible tone increases in frequency. Their maximum values at various leak rates are determined by the Range setting.
SETPOINT – Both the bar graph and audible tone go to their maximum values when the leak rate equals or goes above the setpoint. Enter a setpoint value per Section 2.5.5 Setpoint.
H25C SETPOINT – This setting emulates the operation of the H25C Industrial Halogen Leak Detector. The bar graph and audible tone are suppressed when the leak rate is below the setpoint. They both go to their 50% values when the leak rate reaches the setpoint, and then they both continuously increase in value as the leak rate increases until reaching their maximum values at
Use the Up and Down buttons to highlight the desired function. Press ENT to save the selection.
2.5.5 Setpoint
00.0000 Oz/yr
The SETPOINT function establishes a leak rate at which the graphical display and audible tone are turned ON as determined by the Feedback Mode setting (refer to the previous section).
The setpoint value also sets the leak rate at which one or more of the instrument’s relays is energized whenever the leak rate equals, exceeds, or falls below the setpoint value (refer to Section 2.4.3 Relays), plus it establishes a reference point where the instrument’s
Use the Left and Right buttons to move the cursor across the screen to highlight the digit to be modified, and then use the Up and Down buttons to modify that digit. Press ENT to save the new setpoint.
16 | Instruction |