9 Start-up
Check flame and combustion (continued)
4.Navigate to the Service Screen from the Home Screen by pressing the MAIN MENU button and then the SERVICE button.
5.On the Service Screen place heater into Service Mode by selecting the START button, then selecting Set Gas Valve 1 - High.
6.Insert the probe from a combustion analyzer into the hole left by the removal of the flue temperature sensor.
7.Once the heat exchanger has modulated up to rate, measure the combustion. The values should be in the range listed in Table 9A below. CO levels should
be less than 200 ppm for a properly installed unit. If the combustion is not within range reference the Troubleshooting Section in the Crest Service Manual for possible causes and corrective actions.
Table 9A Flue Products Chart
Gas | Natural Gas |
| Propane | ||
| ||
Valve |
| |
CO2 | O2 | CO2 | O2 | ||
1 - High 3.5% - 5.5% 11.2% - 14.8% 5.1% - 6.8% 10.5% - 13.2%
2 - High 7.8% - 8.6% 5.6% - 7.1% 9.4% - 11.0% 4.1% - 6.6%
8.After Gas Valve 1 is set, repeat the same procedure for the second gas train by selecting Set Gas Valve 2 - High on the Service Screen.
9.Once the heater analysis is complete, test the safety shutoff device by turning the manual shutoff valve to the OFF position and ensuring that the heater shuts down and registers an alarm. Open the manual shutoff valve and reset the control.
10.Turn the main power off to the boiler and replace the flue temperature sensor into the flue pipe connection.
11.Place the boiler back into normal operation.
WARNING You must replace the flue gas temperature sensor to prevent flue gas spillage into
the room. Failure to comply could result in severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage.
Installation & Operation Manual
Set space heating operation
Verify space heat circulator mode
The system pump output can be programmed to never run (OFF), run only when a space heating demand is present (ON), or run continuously except during warm weather shutdown (WWSD). If the boiler is not heating an indirect HW (Hot Water) tank, it also turns on the boiler pump. After the space heating call for heat ends, and the system pump is programmed as ON, the system pump continues to run for a short period of time. If the boiler pump was running, it continues to run for a short period of time as well. These pump delays are factory set to 30 seconds. If different delays are desired, the appropriate parameters in the control must be changed. See the Crest Service Manual for a detailed explanation of this procedure.
Set space heating set point temperature
During normal operation, space heating set point temperatures can be adjusted from the Set Points Menu. Press the following buttons to navigate to the Set Points Menu from the Home Screen:
After pressing SETUP, the Password Screen will appear. Entering the correct password will allow access to all Installer Level adjustable parameters. Press ENTER without a password to access the User Level parameters.
1.To change a set point, use the arrows to highlight a user set point parameter and press the SELECT button.
2.The description of the selected parameter and its current setting will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3.To adjust the set point, press the following buttons to change the value being displayed:
4.Once the set point has been adjusted to the desired setting press the SAVE button to change the set point.
5.Once all the necessary adjustments have been made, press the HOME button to return to the Home Screen.
Note: The SAVE button must be pressed to ensure proper programming of the controls. Failure to press the SAVE button will require all changes to be reprogrammed.