Installation & Operation Manual
10 Operating information (continued)
Crest control module
The Home Screen displays status, modulation rate, outlet water temperature, inlet water temperature, flue temperature, system supply temperature, system return temperature, outdoor air temperature, and domestic hot water tank temperature.
The boiler can be started and stopped by pressing the ON/OFF button. The Boiler Status Screen and Main Menu Screen can be accessed by pressing the appropriate button.
Figure 10-1 Home Screen
When the ON/OFF switch is turned to the ON position, the first screen visible on the LCD display will be the Home Screen. This screen displays the current status of the Crest boiler. The following items can be viewed or interacted with on the Home Screen:
On/Off button - Pressing this button allows the boiler to be placed in either Manual Shutdown Mode or Standby Mode.
Status - This line shows the current operating status of the Crest boiler and the current set point.
Outlet Water Temperature - This is the boiler outlet temperature.
Inlet Water Temperature - This is the boiler inlet temperature.
System Supply Temperature - This is the water temperature as measured by the system supply sensor located in the downstream piping (if connected).
System Return Temperature - This is the water temperature measured by the system return sensor located in the upstream piping (if connected).
Outside Air Temperature - This is the outdoor air temperature (if connected).
DHW Temperature - This is the temperature as measured by the tank sensor in the hot water storage tank (if connected).
Flue Temperature - Temperature measured by the flue sensor.
Time - The time is displayed in the lower
Boiler Status button - Pressing this button brings up the Boiler Status Screen. This screen shows the status of the various safeties, inputs, and outputs to the control module. Reference the Boiler Status Screen section in the Crest Service Manual for more information regarding this screen.
Main Menu button - Pressing this button brings up the Main Menu Screen. From this screen navigation to nine (9) other screens is possible. Reference the Main Menu Screen section on page 52 of this manual for more information regarding this screen.
Modulation button - Pressing this button brings up the Modulation Screen. This screen shows overall boiler modulation, individual fan speeds, and flame currents.
Modulation Percentage - Displays the current boiler firing