A.O. Smith HW 610 warranty Boilers and Secondary Circulator are Controlled by

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1.Building temperature controls supply electric power to building circulator.

2.Main flow switch proves main water flow before energizing sequencing and resetting controls.

3.Outdoor thermostat required if building controls do not provide automatic shutdown of reset controls during warm weather. Boilers and Secondary Circulator are Controlled by

• Dual Bulb, Dual Switch Controller

Staging and Outdoor Reset of Main Water Temperature




Boilers and Secondary Circulator are Controlled by


Building temperature controls supply electric power to building circulator.




Main flow switch proves main water flow before energizing

One Dual Bulb, Dual Switch Mechanical Controller and


sequencing and resetting controls.

One Dual Bulb, single Switch Mechanical Controller

3.Outdoor thermostat required if building controls do not provide

automatic shutdown of reset controls during warm weather.

Sequencing and Outdoor Reset of Main Water Temperature.




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Contents Models HW 300, 399, 420, 520, 610 Tennessee Waltz Parkway Ashland City, TNSafe INSTALLATION, USE and Service Important DefinitionsGeneral Safety Table of Contents Dimensions and Capacity Data Propane NaturalRecovery Capacities 27.7 33.3LIQUefied petroleum gas models High Altitude InstallationsIntroduction Controls and Function Thermal Balancer Manual Reset High LimitHigh Limit Switch Safety Flow Switch GPM LPMSafety Relief Valves Tank Temperature Control Drain Valve Not Supplied GeneralThermometers Required AbilityAIR Requirements Confined Space S. InstallationsCanadian Installations Unconfined SpaceVenting Installation ClearancesTypical Boiler Installation LevelingDraft Hood Vent Pipe InstallationConnecting Boiler to a Common Vent Vent ConnectionVenting System Venting Sidewall Optional Power Vent SystemMultiple Vent Table Combined Vent Sizing Tables Model HW-300 BoilerLINEAR-TEMP Installations System InstallationsConventional Installations ONE Boiler Installed Independent of the Primary SystemBoiler Inlet Outlet Sizes NO. Suggested Items for InstallationSchematic of the LINEAR-TEMPSYSTEM Minimum Branch Sizes to BoilersGAS Connections Purging and Sizing Correct GASGAS Pressure Regulators ExampleSpecific Multiplier Gravity Model Rated Manifold Pressure Number Input Natural PropaneWiring Wiring ConnectionsSingle Stage I.I.D. Honeywell GAS Valve HW 300 toD. System HW 300 thru 670. Natural and Propane GAS U.S. & CanadaLINEAR-TEMP Installations Boilers and Secondary Circulator are Controlled by Page Canadian MODELS, Junction BOX W/6 Terminals MODELS, Jucntion BOX W/4 TerminalsCanadian MODELS, Junction BOX W/6 Terminals Schematic MODELS, Junction BOX W/4 Terminals MODELS, Junction BOX W/4 Terminals Commercial Boiler with Vertical Tank Wiring Figures 16 and 17 on Pages 24Piping USE this Table for Correct Pump and Water Pipe SizeCommercial Boiler with Horizontal Tank Wiring Figures 21 to 27 on Pages 28 to Commercial Boiler with Vertical TANK, CER-TEMPHW-300 HW-399 HW-420 HW-520 Three HW-520s, HW-610s or HW-670s UP-FLOW Model USE this Table for Correct Pump and Water Pipe Size Pilot and Main Burner Operation and START-UP InstructionsFilling the System Main BurnerPilot Burner Electronic Ignition Refer to Operating at Full Input or Full Capacity Checking and Adjusting the InputConsumption Rate Stage Main Burner Operation Flame Current Sensed For Your Safety Read Before Lighting SET T HE Thermostat to Lowwest Setting URN Pilo T Firing VA LVE CounterclockwiseRelief Valve General MaintenanceManual Reset High Limit Switch Continuity Test HOT Water Supply Boilers Preventive Maintenance Cleaning and Flushing InstructionsPRE-TROUBLESHOOTING Internal ContaminantsTroubleshooting CER-TEMP 80 Recovery System Checkout ProcedureYES Condition not cracked or broken? Burner ignition problems?Is ceramic insulator surrounding the electrode in good Is there excessive draft conditions that may cause pilotMV & MV/PV? Replace pilot burner assembly Status LED Green LED Status and TroubleshootingLocation of LEDs Flame LED Yellow OFFNo Call for Heat Not applicable None OFF Limited Warranty Conditions and Exceptions