Philips SCF280 manual Environment, Guarantee & service

Page 10


1Pour a solution of 1 part white vinegar (8% acetic acid) and 4 parts water (about 60ml in total) into the base.

2Place the container with lid or steaming bowl with cover and cap on the base.

3Press and turn the control knob to / .

,The indicator LED starts to burn red continuously and you hear a beep to indicate that the process has started.

,After about 15 minutes, you hear three beeps.The indicator LED blinks red three times and then turns green to indicate that the process has finished.

4Rinse the bowl, the container and/or the steaming bowl and wipe them with a damp cloth.

,If not all scale has disappeared, repeat the above steps.


,Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment. (Fig. 11)

Guarantee & service

If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and PersonalCare BV.

Image 10 Philips SCF280 manual Environment, Guarantee & service
Contents In-1 Nutrition Centre SCF280 Page Page Page SCF280 Introduction EnglishGeneral description Fig English Using the applianceTemperature overview Preparing for useKeeping bottles and jars warm Heating jars of baby foodSterilising Defrosting CleaningSteaming DescalingGuarantee & service EnvironmentWhy does the base overflow? Frequently asked questionsQuestionAnswer Важно 12 БългарскиУвод Общо описание фигИзползване на уреда Температурни настройки БългарскиПодготовка за употреба Подгряване Подгряване на бебешки бутилкиПоддържане на бутилките и бурканите топли 14 БългарскиПодгряване на буркани с бебешка храна СтерилизиранеЗадушаване на пара РазмразяванеАнтикалциране 16 БългарскиПочистване Опазване на околната средаЧесто задавани въпроси Въпрос ОтговорDůležité 18 ČeštinaÚvod Všeobecný popis ObrPoužití přístroje ČeštinaPříprava k použití Přehled teplotUdržování teploty lahví a sklenic 20 ČeštinaOhřev sklenic s dětskou stravou SterilizaceČištění NapařováníRozmrazování Odstranění vodního kameneOchrana životního prostředí 22 ČeštinaZáruka a servis Proč nesvítí kontrolka LED? Nejčastější dotazyOtázka Odpověď Proč základna přetéká?Philipsi „Baby-Care sarjaga hoolitseme beebi eest üheskoos EestiSissejuhatus TähelepanuSeadme kasutamine EestiEttevalmistus kasutamiseks Ülevaade temperatuuridestSteriliseerimine Beebitoidu purkide soojendaminePudelite ja purkide soojana hoidmine AurutaminePuhastamine SulatamineKatlakivi eemaldamine Keskkonnakaitse Garantii ja hooldusSageli esitatavad küsimused Küsimus VastusPhilips oprema za bebe zajednička briga za bebe HrvatskiUvod VažnoKorištenje aparata HrvatskiPriprema za uporabu Pregled temperaturaSteriliziranje Zagrijavanje staklenki dječje hraneOdržavanje bočica i staklenki toplima Izvadite bočice i predmete iz posude i utikač iz utičniceČišćenje OdmrzavanjeOtklanjanje kamenca Zaštita okoliša Jamstvo i servisČesto postavljana pitanja PitanjeOdgovorFontos MagyarBevezetés Általános leírás ábraKészülék használata MagyarElőkészítés Hőmérséklettel kapcsolatos információkBébiételes üvegek és cumisüvegek melegen tartása Bébiételes üvegek melegítéseFertőtlenítés Kiolvasztás PárolásTöltsön a mérőpohárral 2 dl vizet a víztartályba. ábra TisztításKörnyezetvédelem Jótállás és szervizKérdésVálasz Gyakran ismétlődő kérdésekMiért csordul túl a talp? Маңызды 42 ҚазақшаКіріспе Жалпы сипаттама CуретҚұралды қолдану Температураны шолу ҚазақшаҚолдануға дайындық Қыздыру Нәрестелер бөтелкелерін қыздыруНәресте тамағы бар банкілерді қыздыру 44 ҚазақшаБөтелкені құралдан алып, құралды тоқтан суырыңыз Бөтелкелер мен банкілерді жылы етіп сақтауБумен пісіру Мұздан ерітуҚаспақты тазалау 46 ҚазақшаТазалау Қоршаған айналаЖасайды Жиі қойылатын сұрақтарСұрақ Жауап Неліктен тамақ мұздан дұрыс ерітілмейді?„Philips kūdikio priežiūra rūpinkimės kartu LietuviškaiĮžanga SvarbuPrietaiso naudojimas LietuviškaiParuošimas naudoti Temperatūros apžvalgaButeliukų ir indų šilumos saugojimas Indų su kūdikio maistu šildymasSterilizavimas Valymas TroškinimasAtšildymas Nuosėdų šalinimasAplinka Garantija ir aptarnavimasLemputė? Dažnai užduodami klausimaiKlausimas Atsakymas Temperatūra per žema?Philips mazuļu kopšana rūpējoties kopā LatviešuIevads SvarīgiIerīces lietošana LatviešuSagatavošana lietošanai Temperatūras apskatsSterilizēšana Zīdaiņu burciņu sildīšanaPudelīšu un burciņu uzturēšana siltas TvaicēšanaAr mērglāzi ielejiet 200ml ūdens ūdens tvertnē. Zīm Ar mērglāzi ielejiet 200 ml ūdens ūdens tvertnē. ZīmAtkausēšana TīrīšanaVides aizsardzība Garantija un apkalpošanaVisbiežāk uzdotie jautājumi Jautājums AtbildeWażne PolskiWprowadzenie Opis ogólny rysZasady używania PolskiPrzygotowanie do użycia Wykaz temperaturSterylizacja Podgrzewanie słoików z pokarmem dla dzieciUtrzymywanie stałej temperatury butelek i słoików Zamocuj butelki na występach na dnie pojemnikaGotowanie na parze RozmrażanieOchrona środowiska CzyszczenieUsuwanie kamienia Gwarancja i serwisByć zasilane napięciem w zakresie 220-240 Często zadawane pytaniaPytanie Odpowiedź Dlaczego woda wylewa się z podstawy?Descriere generală fig 66 RomânăIntroducere Capac sterilizator Coş Container Grătar protectorUtilizarea aparatului RomânăPregătirea pentru utilizare Trecere în revistă temperaturiMenţinerea la cald a biberoanelor şi recipientelor 68 RomânăÎncălzirea recipientelor cu mâncare pentru bebeluşi SterilizareaDezgheţarea Prepararea la aburCurăţarea Îndepărtarea calcarului Garanţie şi service70 Română Protecţia mediuluiÎntrebare Răspuns Întrebări frecventeÎntre 220 şi 240 volţi Philips Baby Care заботимся вместе 72 РусскийВведение ВниманиеПодготовка прибора к работе РусскийОбщее описание Рис Использование прибора Выбор температурыПоддержание температуры бутылочек и банок 74 РусскийПодогревание банок детского питания СтерилизацияОбработка паром РазмораживаниеОчистка от накипи 76 РусскийОчистка прибора Защита окружающей средыЧасто задаваемые вопросы и ответы на них Вопрос Ответ78 Русский Почему в ёмкости, вOpis zariadenia Obr SlovenskyDôležité Veko sterilizátora Košík NádobaPoužitie zariadenia SlovenskyPríprava na použitie Prehľad teplotyUdržiavanie teploty fliaš a pohárov Ohrievanie pohárov s detskou stravouSterilizovanie Rozmrazovanie Príprava potravín na pareČistenie Odstraňovanie vodného kameňa Životné prostredieČasto kladené otázky Otázka OdpoveďPomembno SlovenščinaPhilipsova otroška nega, naša skupna skrb Splošni opis SlPriprava pred uporabo Pregled temperatureSlovenščina Uporaba aparataOhranjanje stekleničk in kozarcev toplih Gretje kozarcev z otroško hranoKuhanje v pari Čiščenje OdmrzovanjeOdstranjevanje vodnega kamna Okolje Garancija in servisVprašanje Odgovor Pogosto zastavljena vprašanjaZakaj iz podstavka teče voda? Srpski Opšti opis SlUpotreba uređaja Pre upotrebeGrejanje Grejanje flašica Grejanje teglica sa dečjom hranom Održavanje temperature flašica i teglicaSterilizovanje Kuvanje na pari Čišćenje kamencaZaštita okoline Garancija i servisNajčešća pitanja Pitanje OdgovorВажлива інформація УкраїнськаВступ Загальний опис МалЗастосування пристрою Огляд температур 98 УкраїнськаПідготовка до використання Підігрівання Підігрівання дитячих пляшечокПідтримання температури пляшечок і баночок Вийміть пляшечку з пристрою і від’єднайте його від мережіПідігрівання баночок з дитячим харчуванням СтерилізаціяОбробка парою 100 УкраїнськаРозморожування Навколишнє середовище ЧищенняВидалення накипу Гарантія та обслуговуванняЗапитання, що часто задаються 102 УкраїнськаЗапитання Відповідь 103 104 105 106 107 4222.002.6406.1

SCF280 specifications

The Philips SCF280 is an innovative baby bottle designed to cater to the needs of parents and their infants. Focusing on both functionality and comfort, this bottle provides an exceptional feeding experience, ensuring that babies and parents are at ease during feeding time. One of the standout features of the SCF280 is its ergonomic design, making it easy for little hands to grip the bottle while feeding. This user-friendly design also adds convenience for parents, allowing them to hold the bottle effortlessly during feedings.

One of the key technologies integrated into the Philips SCF280 is the Anti-Colic Air System, which significantly helps to reduce the intake of air by the baby. This system is designed to minimize the risk of colic symptoms by preventing the formation of vacuum inside the bottle. As a result, babies can enjoy a more comfortable feeding experience without the discomfort that comes from swallowing excess air. This feature is particularly beneficial for new parents who are often concerned about their baby's digestive well-being.

The SCF280 bottle features a soft silicone nipple that closely mimics the natural feel of breastfeeding, making the transition between breast and bottle smoother for infants. Available in different flow rates, the nipple can accommodate growing feeding needs as the baby develops. This adaptability ensures that parents can choose the appropriate nipple flow, promoting a more comfortable and enjoyable feeding routine.

Moreover, the Philips SCF280 bottle boasts a wide neck design, facilitating easy cleaning and filling. The wide opening allows for effortless access, ensuring that parents can thoroughly clean all parts of the bottle without hassle. Additionally, the bottle is dishwasher safe, providing a practical solution for busy parents who require efficiency in their daily routines.

Constructed from durable BPA-free materials, the SCF280 is safe for babies and offers peace of mind to parents regarding their child’s health. Its compatibility with other Philips Avent products expands its usability, allowing parents to mix and match components to create an ideal feeding setup. The combination of these thoughtful features and technologies makes the Philips SCF280 an excellent choice for families looking for reliable and safe feeding solutions for their infants. Overall, it exemplifies Philips' commitment to enhancing the feeding experience for both babies and their caregivers.