Villaware BLVLLAZ05H recipes continued, Blueberry Coulis, Tangy Ginger Marinade, Chilli Marinade

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recipes (continued)

recipes (continued)

Blueberry Coulis

225 g blueberries

28-43 g icing sugar

Place blueberries in blender and pulse to break up fruit.

Add sugar and puree.

Pour into a container and chill.

Tangy Ginger Marinade

235 ml soy sauce

155 ml honey

155 ml oil

21 g white wine vinegar

3 crushed garlic cloves

14 g fresh chopped ginger

2 limes, peeled

Pass limes through juice extractor. Combine juice and all other ingredients in blender until well blended.

Marinate meat before cooking.

Chilli Marinade

140 g hot chillies

28 g rosemary

28 g basil

28 g thyme

28 g parsley

28 g mustard seed

1 small lime, peeled

1 small orange, peeled

9 g salt

28 g white vinegar

Pass lime through juice extractor. Measure out 60 ml of juice and place in blender.

Pass orange through juice extractor. Measure out 28 g and place in blender.

Add all other ingredients to blender and mix until smooth.

Marinates around 900 g of meat. Marinate for up to 24 hours depending on strength of flavouring desired.

Pineapple-Mango Salsa

½medium red pepper, cut in 4 pieces

½medium red onion, cut in 4 pieces

2.5 cm piece of ginger root, peeled, cut in 4 pieces

230 g pineapple chunks

230 g fresh mango chunks

14 g lime juice

230 g rinsed, drained black beans Tortilla chips

In the jar, place all ingredients, except beans and tortilla chips, in order listed above.

Turn dial slightly clockwise for low power. Chop to desired consistency.

Pour into bowl and stir in beans. Serve with tortilla chips.

Spinach and Pecan Pesto

60 g basil leaves

120 g baby spinach leaves

120 ml extra virgin olive oil

230 g pecans

75 g freshly shredded Parmesan cheese

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1.25 g salt Salt to taste Pepper to taste

Lightly toast pecans.

Place all ingredients in blender jar. Pulse until smooth.

Avocado Dip

2 large ripe avocados

450 g sour cream

2 tomatoes

4 spring onions, with green

20 g lemon juice

Hot pepper sauce to taste

Peel and pit the avocados then cut into chunks. Core tomatoes, remove seeds then coarsely chop. Coarsely chop onions.

Place all ingredients in blender jar and pulse to desired consistency.

Place in separate dish, cover and chill for one hour before serving.


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Contents blender Read All Instructions Before UseRU Инструкция для пользователя blenderSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS important safeguardsimportant product markings power cord instructionsfor u.k. and ireland only Installation of a plug applicable to U.K. and Ireland2. Leak Proof Jar Lid description of the appliance6. Power On Indicator Light Amber 7. “Read Instructions” Symbol 8. Measurement Indicator MarkingsASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS before using your blenderelectrical outlet Reset Functionoperating instructions 1. Prepare ingredientsBLADES ARE EXTREMELY SHARP. HANDLE CAREFULLY after using your blendercleaning storingconsumer affairs tips and suggestionsFruit Drink recipesBlackberry and Melon Smoothie Banana and Mango SmoothieChilli Marinade recipes continuedBlueberry Coulis Tangy Ginger MarinadeGazpacho Andalusia Gazpachoeurope guarantee importantes mesures de sécurité SAUVEGARDER CES INSTRUCTIONS symboles importantsinstructions concernant le fil électrique description de l’appareil LES LAMES SONT TRES COUPANTES. MANIPULER AVEC SOIN avant d’utiliser votre blenderINSTRUCTIONS FONCTION DE REMISE A JOUR mode d’emploiLES LAMES SONT EXTREMEMENT COUPANTES. MANIPULER AVEC SOIN après utilisationnettoyage rangementconseils et suggestions service aux consommateursBoisson aux Fruits recettesBoisson à Base de Mûres et Melon Boisson Glacée à Base de Bananes et ManguesMarinade au Piment recettes suiteCoulis de Myrtilles Marinade Piquante au Gingembre2 grands avocats bien mûrs 450 g de crème fraiche 2 tomates Sauce à l’AvocatGazpacho d’ Andalousie garantie européenne precauciones importantes instrucciones para el cable de alimentación indicadores importantes del productoCONSERVAR ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES descripción del aparato LAS CUCHILLAS ESTÁN MUY AFILADAS. MANÉJELAS CON CUIDADO antes de utilizar la batidoraINSTRUCCIONES DE MONTAJE FUNCIÓN DE REESTABLECIMIENTO instrucciones de funcionamientoLAS CUCHILLAS ESTÁN MUY AFILADAS. MANÉJELAS CON CUIDADO después de utilizar la batidoralimpieza almacenamientoservicio de asistencia técnica consejos y sugerenciasBebida de Frutas recetasBatido de Zarzamora y Melón Batido de Banana y MangoAdobo Cítrico con Jengibre recetas continuaciónCoulis de Mango Coulis de ArándanosGazpacho Andaluz Pesto de Espinacas y Nuez PacanaSalsa de Aguacate garantía para europa Berührung kommen könnte wichtige sicherheitshinweiseDIESES GERÄT IST NUR FÜR DEN HAUSHALTSGEBRAUCH BESTIMMT netzkabelhinweisewichtige produktkennzeichnungen BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG SORGFÄLTIG AUFBEWAHRENgerätbeschreibung ANLEITUNG ZUM ZUSAMMENBAU vor der verwendung ihres mixersZerkleinern bis zu dünn geschabtem Eis aus bedienhinweiseRÜCKSETZFUNKTION MESSER SIND EXTREM SCHARF. VORSICHTIG DAMIT UMGEHEN nach der verwendung ihres mixersreinigung aufbewahrungtipps und empfehlungen Früchte-Drink rezepteBrombeeren- und Melonen-Smoothie Bananen und Mango-SmoothieWürzige Ingwermarinade rezepte FortsHeidelbeer-Coulis Ananas/Mango-Salsa2 große reife Avocado 450 g Sauerrahm 2 Tomaten Avocado-DippAndalusische Gazpacho-Suppe europa-garantie важные меры предосторожности СОХРАНИТЕ ЭТИ ИНСТРУКЦИИ инструкции к шнуру питанияважная маркировка на изделии описание устройства ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО СБОРКЕ перед использованием миксераинструкции по использованию хранение после использования миксерачистка советы и рекомендации Фруктовый Напиток рецептыСок с Мякотью из Черники и Дыни Напиток из Банана и МангоПряный Имбирный Маринад рецепты продолжениеПюре из Манго Пюре из ЧерникиГазпачо По-Андалусски Сальса с Манго и АнанасомПесто из Шпината и Орехов Пекан Соус из АвокадоГазпачо европейская гарантия viktiga säkerhetsråd SPARA DENNA BRUKSANVISNING viktiga symboler på apparateninstruktioner om strömsladden 10. Mixerbägarens underdel beskrivning av apparaten och dess delarMONTERINGSINSTRUKTIONER innan du använder mixernminska effekten instruktioner för användningÅTERSTÄLLNINGSFUNKTION SKÄRBLADEN ÄR EXTREMT VASSA. VAR FÖRSIKTIG NÄR DU HANTERAR DESSA efter användning av mixernrengöring förvaringtips och rekommendationer Fruktdryck receptBjörnbärs- och Melonsmoothie Björnbärs- och MangosmoothieChilimarinad recept fortsättningBlåbärscoulis Stark Ingefärsmarinad2 stora mogna avokador 450 g gräddfil 2 tomater AvokadodipAndalusisk Gazpacho europagaranti P.N.129722 Rev.A Gedruckt in PRC Отпечатано в PRC Tryckt i PRC2011 SunBean Products, Inc., under namnet Jarden Consumer Solutions