Thermador PRD48 manual ExtraLow Burners, BTU Output for Standard Star Burners, ExtraLow Techniques

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BTU Output for Standard Star® Burners

HI is equivalent to 18,000 BTU / HR (15,000 BTU / HR using Propane).

SIM is equivalent to 2,100 BTU / HR.

BTU Output for ExtraLow Star® Burners

HI is equivalent to 18,000 BTU / HR (15,000 BTU / HR using Propane).

SIM is equivalent to 3,000 BTU / HR.

XLO® is equivalent to 375 BTU / HR when the control knob is adjusted to the lowest setting in the ExtraLow® range.


XHITM for the POWERBOOSTTM is equivalent to 22,000 BTU / HR (18,000 BTU / HR using Propane).

SIM is equivalent to 3,000 BTU / HR

XLO® is equivalent to 375 BTU / HR when the control knob is adjusted to the lowest setting in the ExtraLow® range.

ExtraLow® Burners

The controls for the two left and two right burners, front and rear, have flame settings even lower than the standard SIM settings (see Figure 10 on Page 12).

Figure 11 shows that the control knob has an additional

range between the SIM and XLO® settings. When the knob is set within this range, the flame cycles off and on. By varying the length of time the flame is off and on, the heat is reduced even further to cook delicate foods. For example, these very low settings are suitable for simmering and poaching, melting chocolate and butter, holding cooked foods at temperatures without scorching or burning, etc.

Figure 11: ExtraLow Star® Burner Control Knob

Operation of the ExtraLow® Burner

XLO®, the very lowest setting, is achieved by cycling the flame ON for approximately 7 seconds and OFF for 53 seconds of each minute.

When the knob is rotated just beyond the SIM setting, the flame will cycle ON for approximately 54 seconds and OFF for 6 seconds of each minute.

To vary the amount of low heat, the control can be set anywhere within the SIM and XLO® range marked on the knob.

ExtraLow® Techniques

The type and quantity of food affects which setting to use.

The pan selected affects the setting. Its size, type, material, and whether a lid is used, all affect the consistency of the cooking temperature.

To maintain a low or simmer heat, bring food to a rolling boil. Stir well, then cover the pan and lower the heat to a setting just below SIM.

Check periodically to see if the control knob should be turned to another setting.

If an over-size pan is used, the simmer action may occur mainly in the center of the pan. To equalize the temperature throughout the food, stir the food around the outer edges of the pan into the food in the center.

It is normal to stir food occasionally while simmering. This is especially important when simmering for several hours, such as for a homemade spaghetti sauce or beans.

When lowering the flame setting, adjust it in small steps.

If the setting is too low to hold a simmer, bring the food back to a boil before re-setting to a higher heat.

It is normal not to see simmer bubbles immediately after the food has been stirred.

There may be bubbling when the flame cycles ON and no bubbles when the flame is OFF. Even when the flame is OFF, there will be steam and a slight quiver on the liquid’s surface.


The POWERBOOSTTM, or XHITM, is located at the right-front position of the rangetop. The XHITM is 4,000 BTU greater on its highest setting than any other Star® Burner. It offers the convenience to quickly boil water, sear steaks, stir-fry vegetables, etc. Use of the SIM and XLO® remains the same as the other XLO® Knobs (see Figure 10 on Page 12).

English 13

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Contents Page PRD36 PRD48 Page Page Table of Contents Introduction What to do if YOU Smell GASGas Type Verification SafetyGas and Electrical Requirements and Grounding Instructions Dual-Fuel ModelsCase of AN Electrical Failure Tested in Accordance withTo Reduce the Risk of a Grease Fire Hazard Important Safety Instructions Description Important Safety NoticeBefore You Begin 36 4-Burner w/ Griddle 36 6-Burner 48 6-Burner w/ GriddleFull Access Oven Rack Placing Rack In Oven Removing Rack from Oven Side View of Rack on the Rack GuideDescription Model and Parts Identification 48 RangeKey for 48 Models Model and Parts Identification 36 Range Key for 36 ModelsMain Electric Oven Interior Control Knobs Using The CooktopSealed Star Burners Operation of the BurnersBTU Output for Standard Star Burners BTU Output for PowerboosttmExtraLow Burners BTU Output for ExtraLow Star BurnersBurner Cap Placement Electronic Single Point IgnitionAutomatic Re-Ignition Checking Burner Cap Placement Power FailureFlame Height Flame Description Flame ColorsCookware Recommendations Base DiameterStandard Size Water Bath Canner Suggestions For Using the RecommendationsSpecialty Cookware Standard Size Pressure CannerSurface Burner Cooking Recommendations SOUPS, Stock Preparing the Griddle Using the Electric Griddle available on some modelsDescription Leveling ScrewsGriddle Grease Tray Food SettingGriddle Cooking Recommendations Cooking on the GriddleCook Timer Using the OvenKitchen Timer Using the Offset FeatureProgramming the Meat Probe Using the Sabbath ModeTo set the Sabbath Mode PlugOven Functions Probe Care and UseTips for Bake Main Oven Secondary Oven 48 ModelsSetting Bake & Convection Bake, Roast & Convection Roast To Set the OvensRoasting Recommendations RoastConvection Cooking with ConvectionConvection Baking Converting Conventional Baking to Convection BakingTips for Convection Bake Keep Warm Convection Baking RecommendationsAutomatic operation of the cooling blower Food Oven Temperature Other Uses Of BakeProof 48 models only Setting Broil or Convection Broil Broil/Convection BroilTips for Broil Broiling and Roasting Recommendations PorkPoultry Before Self Cleaning the Oven Care and MaintenanceSelf-Cleaning the Ovens Before Setting the Oven to SELF-CLEANCleaning Tips To Set Self-Clean OvensAt the End of the Clean Cycle Range CleaningCleaning Recommendations PART/MATERIAL Suggested Cleaners RemindersGriddle Grease Tray/Aluminum with non GreaseDo not Clean in SELF-CLEANING Oven Do-It-Yourself Maintenance Oven Light Bulb ReplacementTo Replace the Light Bulb Symptom Cause Remedy Intermittent or Constant Igniter SparkingBe sure to check these items first Before Calling For ServiceData Rating Label Location Wiring Diagram Location If the Burners do Not IgniteHow Long the Warranty Lasts Statement of Limited Product WarrantyWhat this Warranty Covers & Who it Applies to Out of Warranty ProductWarranty Exclusions Avant d’appeler le service technique Table des matièresDes questions? Nous attendons de vos nouvelles Avertissement Un enfant ou un adulte pourrait faire basculer l’appareil etVérification du type de gaz SécuritéLisez Attentivement CE QUI Suit Modèles mixtes 36 de poAvertissement Pour Tous LES Modèles Essais Conformes ÀConsignes de sécurité destinées à éviter les blessures Pour Réduire LES Risques DE FEU DE Friture Avertissement Risque DE Basculement DE LA Cuisinière Instructions DE Sécurité Importantes Instructions DE Sécurité Importantes Avant de commencer Installation des grilles dans le four Positions des grilles dans le grand fourRetrait des grilles du four Description Identification du modèle et des pièces Cuisinière de 48 poLégende du modèle de 48 po Identification du modèle et des pièces Cuisinière de 36 po Légende du modèle de 36 poBrûleurs scellés Boutons de commandeUtilisation de la cuisinière Intérieur du four au gaz principalBTU des brûleurs standards BTU du brûleur PowerboostmcFonctionnement des brûleurs BTU des brûleurs ExtraLowmcFonctionnement d’un brûleur ExtraLowmc POWERBOOSTmcAllumage électronique unique Techniques ExtraLowmcVérification de la position des chapeaux des brûleurs Rallumage automatiquePositionnement des chapeaux des brûleurs Hauteur de la flamme Description de la flammePanne de courant Récipients recommandés Diamètre de la baseRécipients pour spécialités Conseils de cuissonConseils de cuisson Brûleurs de la table de cuisson RIZ PâtesCOCOTTE-MINUTE SaucesDescription Préparation de la plaqueAvis Conseils de cuisson Plaque chauffantePlateau à graisse de la plaque chauffante Aliment RéglageUtilisation du four Fonctions de cuisson supplémentairesFiche Utilisation du mode sabbatPour régler le mode sabbat Programmation de la sonde thermiqueUtilisation et entretien de la sonde Fonctions du fourPosition des grilles de four PositionnementRôtissage Réglage des foursLa jauge ne sert qu’à des fins de référence Recommandations pour le rôtissage Conseils de cuisson à convection Recommandations pour la cuisson à convection Garder-au-chaudComment ajuster le four secondaire à la fonction d’apprêt Autres utilisations du fourApprêt modèles de 48 po seulement Cuisson au four lente et à basse températureGrilloir/Grilloir par convection Porc Recommandations pour l’utilisation du grilloirBoeuf VolailleAvant de procéder à l’autonettoyage du four Entretien et nettoyageAutonettoyage du four Avant de régler le four pour l’autonettoyageComment programmer l’autonettoyage des fours Nettoyage de la cuisinièreRecommandations pour le nettoyage Marques de produitPIÈCE/MATÉRIAU Produits Nettoyants Suggérés Grilles Plateau à graisse de la plaqueProduits Nettoyants Suggérés Rappels Importants NE Nettoyez PAS Dans LE Four AutonettoyantRemplacement de l’ampoule Entretien à faire soi-mêmeSymptôme Cause Solution Renseignements pour le service technique Avant dappeler le service techniquePlaque signalétique Vérifiez d’abord les points suivantsÉnoncé DE Garantie Limitée DU Produit Exclusions de la garantie Español Índice de Materias ¿Preguntas? ¡Esperamos oír de ustedIntroducción AdvertenciaQUÉ Hacer EN Caso DE Oler a GAS Seguridad PrecauciónImportante Precaución Para Todos LOS Modelos Probado Conforme aPrácticas de seguridad para evitar lesiones Para Reducir LOS Riesgos DE Incendio DE LA Grasa Advertencia Riesgo DE Vuelco DE LA Estufa LA Grasa ES INFLAMABLE. Permita que la grasa Antes de comenzar DescripciónQuemadores y Quemadores y una Instalación de las rejillas en la hornilla Figura 1 Posiciones de las rejillas en la hornillaPara quitar las rejillas de la hornilla NotaDescripción Clave para el modelo de 48 pulgadasClave para el modelo de 36 pulgadas Interior principales Horno EléctricoPerillas de control Usar la estufaQuemadores sellados Operación de los quemadoresBTU de los quemadores ExtraLow BTU de los quemadores PowerboostBTU de los quemadores estándares Quemadores ExtraLowReencendido Automático PowerboostEncendedor electrónico único Posición de las tapas de los quemadoresVerificación de la posición de las tapas de los quemadores ApagónAltura de la llama Descripción de la llama Figura 16 Color de la llamaRecomendaciones para los utensilios de cocina Figura 17 Diámetro de baseUtensilios especiales de cocina Olla a presiónRecomendaciones para la cocción Recomendaciones de cocción con los quemadores de la estufa Salsas PastaOlla DE Presión SOPAS, CaldosPreparación de la plancha DescripciónPerilla de control de la plancha Tornillos de nivelaciónAlimento Ajuste Recomendaciones para usar la planchaAviso Bandeja de grasa de la planchaUsar la hornilla Temporizador Kitchen TimerTemporizador de la hornilla Cook Timer Funciones adicionales de la hornillaEnchufe Para obtener resultados superiores Funciones de la hornillaUtilización y mantenimiento de la sonda Tipos de platos para la hornillaHornilla principal Asar Ajustes para hornear/hornear por convección /asarAjuste de las hornillas El indicador sólo sirve de referenciaConvección Recomendaciones para asarCondensación Ajuste de temperaturaHornear a gran altitud Cocción con dos rejillasRecomendaciones para hornear por convección Guarda-calienteOperación automática del ventilador de enfriamiento Advertencia Seguridad Alimenticia Preparación de masaOtros usos de la hornilla Alimento Temperatur DE LA HornillaHornilla principal Para obtener los mejores resultadosPosiciones de las rejillas Hornilla segundaria modelos de 48 pulgRecomendaciones para gratinar CerdoAves Cuidado y Mantenimiento Autolimpieza de la hornillaAl final del ciclo de autolimpieza Limpieza de la estufaRecomendaciones de limpieza Rejillas Colector de grasaBandeja de la plancha No Limpiar EN UNA Hornilla DE Autolimpieza Mantenimiento hecho por usted mismo Reemplazar una bombilla en la hornillaPara reemplazar la bombilla Apagón Chispas intermitentes o constantes del encendedorSíntoma Causa Remedio Cuando no se prenden los quemadores Antes de solicitar servicioAsegúrese de comprobar primero estos puntos Placa de señalizaciónDeclaración DE Garantía Limitada DEL Producto Cobertura de esta garantía y a quiénes se aplicaThermador Pièces et accessoires ServiceParts & Accessories Entretien
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PRD36, PRD48 specifications

Thermador, a brand synonymous with premium kitchen appliances, offers a remarkable array of professional-style ranges, including the PRD48, PRD36, and PRD30 models. Each of these ranges embodies the brand's commitment to quality, performance, and innovation, making them ideal for both professional chefs and passionate home cooks.

Starting with the Thermador PRD48, this impressive range is equipped with a true simmer feature, allowing for precision cooking of delicate sauces or chocolates. With its 48-inch width, it boasts a spacious cooking surface that includes six powerful burners, including two Dual Fuel Burners that can deliver up to 22,000 BTUs for intense heat. The PRD48 also features a infrared broiler, which provides high heat for searing meats to perfection. Its Star Burner technology ensures even heat distribution, reducing cold spots and ensuring consistent cooking results. Furthermore, the patented Where to Buy element allows users to choose between ovens and griddles, promoting versatility in meal preparation.

The Thermador PRD36 is designed for those looking for a balance between size and functionality. This 36-inch range comes with four powerful burners, and like its larger counterpart, it features the patented Star Burner design. Both models are equipped with the ExtraLow feature, which enables ultra-low simmering for delicate dishes. The PRD36 also includes a high-performance oven with a generous capacity, perfect for baking and roasting. The sleek stainless-steel exterior not only provides durability but also enhances the aesthetic of any modern kitchen.

Lastly, the PRD30 is the most compact option in the series, measuring 30 inches. Despite its smaller size, it doesn't compromise on power or performance. The range offers four burners with the Star Burner technology, ensuring superior heat distribution. The PRD30’s oven includes convection technology, promoting even cooking results by circulating hot air throughout the oven. This model is perfect for urban kitchens where space is at a premium yet does not skimp on the features that professional chefs demand.

Overall, Thermador’s PRD series ranges, whether it be the PRD48, PRD36, or PRD30, stand out for their exceptional design, innovative technology, and unmatched performance. Each model is built to meet the needs of culinary enthusiasts, making them the centerpiece of any modern kitchen. From their powerful burners to their versatile cooking options, these ranges are built to inspire creativity and deliver outstanding results in the kitchen.