Press the “Set” and the “Down Arrow” buttons simultaneously, for
The following CPSM options are available for adjustment:
Fon – Humidity Management Enhancement: This parameter is normally set at 0, which should provide adequate relative humidity for the cellar.
•An increase in this parameter will increase the Humidity Enhancement (%RH), and a decrease in the parameter will decrease Humidity Enhancement (%RH).
•Adjustments should be made in increments of 5, with a maximum of 15, and a minimum of 0.
•After any adjustment to Humidity Enhancement, you should wait a minimum of three days before making any additional adjustments. This will allow the cellar sufficient time to acclimate to the new setting.
Fof - Humidity Management Enhancement: This parameter is normally set at 15. This param- eter should not be adjusted, as it simply provides an OFF cycle time for the fan, during the compressor OFF cycle. However, the parameter is located within the CPSM as a convenience to the customer, should it need to be adjusted. CCT - Cellar
Con/Cof – Compressor On time (Con) and Off time (Cof) with a Probe 1 failure/Alarm. These parameters are set at Con 40 min/Cof 10 min. In the event that there is a Probe 1 failure/ Alarm, the compressor/refrigeration system automatically starts a predetermined ON/OFF cycle, which is controlled by the Con and the Cof parameters. The customer can adjust these parameters to maintain the desired Bottle temperature.
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