Press the “Set” and the “Down Arrow” buttons simultaneously, for
The following CPSM options are available for adjustment:
Fon – Humidity Management Enhancement: This parameter is normally set at 0, which should pro- vide adequate relative humidity for the cellar.
•An increase in this parameter will increase the Humidity Enhancement (%RH), and a decrease in the parameter will decrease Humidity Enhancement (%RH).
•Adjustments should be made in increments of 5, with a maximum of 15, and a minimum of 0.
•After any adjustment to Humidity Enhancement, you should wait a minimum of three days before making any additional adjustments. This will allow the cellar sufficient time to acclimate to the new setting.
Fof - Humidity Management Enhancement: This parameter is normally set at 15. This parameter should not be adjusted, as it simply provides an OFF cycle time for the fan, during the compressor OFF cycle. However, the parameter is located within the CPSM as a convenience to the customer, should it need to be adjusted.
CCS – Cellar
CCT - Cellar
Con/Cof – Compressor On time (Con) and Off time (Cof) with a Probe 1 failure/Alarm. These parame- ters are set at Con 40 min/Cof 10 min. In the event that there is a Probe 1 failure/Alarm, the compres- sor/refrigeration system automatically starts a predetermined ON/OFF cycle, which is controlled by the Con and the Cof parameters. The customer can adjust these parameters to maintain the desired Bottle temperature.
Hes – Differential for Energy Reduction – This parameter is set at 4° above the set point, during the Energy Reduction mode. A decrease in this setting will decrease the set point, and an increase in this feature will increase the set point.
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