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Piercing Food with skin (such as potatoes, apples, fish, chicken), or with membrane (such as the white and yolk of eggs, including boiled eggs), must be pierced in several places before cooking or reheating. If not, steam will build up and may cause food to explode.
Note: Eggs in their shells and whole hard boiled eggs should not be heated in the microwave ovens since they may explode even after microwaving has ended.
Arrangement Place thickest parts of food on the outside of the dish, for example, the meaty ends of chicken drumsticks should be placed on the outside of the dish.
Covering Fish, vegetables and certain other foods benefit from being covered during microwave cookery, follow recommendations where given and use vented microwave cling film or a suitable lid.
Size & shape Food size and shape affect the amount of cooking time needed. When cooking more than one portion of the same food ensure they are of a similar size and shape.
Density & Food density and quantity affect the amount of cooking time quantity needed, for example, potatoes require more cooking than
peas; four potatoes will take longer to cook than two.
Hygiene Food hygiene standards (storage, handling and preparation) apply to microwaving. Always store convenience foods as recommended by the food manufacturer and keep no longer than the "Use By" date.


WARNING - Always attend the oven when in use.
Carefully follow the SHARP Operation Manual at all times. If you exceed recommended cooking times and/or use power levels that are too high, food may overheat, burn, and in extreme circumstances, catch fire and damage the oven.
The microwave power level will default to 100P unless you press the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL key to reach the desired setting. Take care when heating foods with high sugar or fat content, for example, Christmas pudding, mince pies and fruit cakes. See reheating charts in the cookbook section for guidance. Before use, the user should check that utensils are suitable for use in microwave ovens.
Lids: Always remove lids from food jars and containers before you use them in the oven. If you do not, steam and pressure will build up inside and the container may explode.
Do not place hot foods/utensils on a cold turntable, or cold foods/utensils on a hot turntable.
WARNING: Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.