7.6.4 SL Set UUT Temperature Limits
The SL command sets the lower UUT limit (setup parameter F27) and the upper UUT limit (setup parameter F28). For a detailed explanation of the effect of these parameters, see Sections 3.5 and 4. The command sets the lower and upper temperature limits at the same time. The syntax of the command is:
SL lll.l uuu.u<CR><LF>
where: | lll.l is the lower limit (F27) |
| uuu.u is the upper limit (F28) |
| lll.l & uuu.u are one decimal place numbers |
7.6.5 SD Set UUT Temperature Differential Limits
The SD command sets the lower UUT temperature differential limit (setup parameter F29) and the upper UUT temperature differential limit (setup parameter F30). For a detailed explanation of the effect of these parameters, see Section 4. The command sets the lower and upper temperature differential limits at the same time. The syntax of the command is:
SD lll.l uuu.u<CR><LF>
where lll.l is the lower differential limit (F29) uuu.u is the upper differential limit (F30)
lll.l & uuu.u are one decimal place floating point numbers
SD 50 30<CR><LF>
7.6.6 UP Write Current Parameters to NV Memory
UP writes the current SRAM resident setup parameters to EEPROM
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