Specify to the right, left, guide 1 or guide 2 depending on which direction the area lies from the charging station. The direction is set looking from the charging station in the approach direction of the mower.
When a guide wire is installed the direction can be specified as the guide wire. The mower will now follow the selected guide wire instead of the boundary wire.
Specify the number of metres along the boundary wire or guide wire from the charging station to the place in the remote area where the mower shall start mowing.
Tip! Use the Test OUT
Specify a value for how often of the occasions Automower® leaves the charging station it should follow the loop out to the remote area.
For example the value 20 % means that in 20 % of the occasions Automower® leaves the charging station, it does it in the direction to the remote area. In the remaining 80 % of the occasions the mower leaves the charging station according to the setting made for its function Exit angles
If a value of 20 % is specified for Area 1 and
10 % for Area 2, the remaining 70 % is allocated to the selection under Exit angles
•Follow loop in (3-2-2)
This function is used to control how Automower® searches for the charging station.
Automower® always starts the search for the charging station in an irregular search method. In some gardens this is not sufficient for the mower to quickly find the charging station. The search can then be optimised using the Follow loop in function.
When the mower still can not find the charging station after a specific period of irregular searching, it also starts to search for the guide wires and after a further period also the boundary wire to follow one of them into the charging station instead. This time is stated in minutes, and delays searching for guide 1, guide 2 and the boundary wire.
The delay time can be adapted to the shape of the garden in the Follow loop in function.
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Exit angles
Follow loop
Installation shape
Guide 1
Guide 2
Follow loop out
Follow loop in
Corridor width
Test IN
Test OUT
English - 53