


Address Book Domain is

The [Domain Name] text box is

Enter the domain name of the



address book server.

Address Book Search Root

The [Search Root] text box is

Enter the search root.

is missing.



Address Book LDAP

The [LDAP Match Attribute]


Match Attribute is

Enter the LDAP match attribute.

text box is blank.





Address Book LDAP

The [LDAP Email Attribute]

Enter the LDAP e-mail attribute.

Email Attribute is missing.

text box is blank.



The connection to the address


Connection Failed. Could

book server failed because

Check the host name and/or port

Authorized Send cannot connect

not connect to x:y

and try again.

to the host name, represented by




x, and the port, represented by y.





Connection Failed. Could

The connection to the address

Check the host name and/or

book server failed because

server configuration and try

not resolve host name: x.

Authorized Send cannot resolve



the host name, represented by x.






Duplicated address book

An address book server already


server: an address book

Check the address book server,

exists where the domain is

server with domain [x] and

domain, and bind method and

represented by x, and the bind

bind method [y] already

try again.

method is represented by y.








6.1.6Scan to E-Mail Configuration Screen Error Messages

This section explains the Scan to E-Mail Configuration screen error messages, along with possible causes and remedies. For more information on the remedies, see “Configuring Scan to E-Mail Settings,” on p. 93.












Perform any of the following:






• Clear the check mark from




The [To] and [Address Book]


either the [To] or [Address


‘To’ and ‘Address Book’



Book] check box, or clear the



check boxes are selected, the



are disabled and no



check marks from both the



[To] text box is blank, and the



default value is specified



[To] and [Address Book]



[Self] check box is not



for ‘To’ field.



check boxes.









• Enter a default value in the











[To] text box.





• Select the [Self] check box.







Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines