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IBM 000-8697 Archive Disk Pages That Meet Criteria, Monitor and Archive Physical Log Pages, Write a Trailer Page, Update the Reserved Pages

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4-38 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

Archive Disk Pages That Meet Criteria

Alevel-1 archive directs tbtape to consider a narrower range of used pages.
Thearchive criteria become all disk pages containing a timestamp that is less
thanthe begin-archive checkpoint timestamp but greater than the timestamp
associatedwith the most recent level-0 archive. The tbtape process reads the
value of the most-recent level-0 archive timestamp from the active
PAGE_ARCH reserved page.
A level-2 archive also directstbtape to consider a narrower range of used
pages.The archive criteria become all disk pages containing a timestamp that
is less than the begin-archive checkpoint timestamp but greater than the
timestamp associated with the most recent archive (any other level). Again,
tbtapereads the value of the most-recent archive timestamp from the active
PAGE_ARCH reserved page.
Archive Disk Pages That Meet Criteria
Afterthe archive criteria are established, tbtape begins to read the disk pages
in the chunk that is identified with chunk number 1. Each of the chunks is
readin order. (OnLine chunks are listed in orderin the active PAGE_PCHUNK
reserved page.) Each page that meets the tbtape criteria for archiving is
copied to the archive tape.
Monitor and Archive Physical Log Pages
Whiletbtape reads disk pages, it periodically reads the pages stored in the
physical log, looking for pages that meet the archive timestamp criterion.
Each page that qualifies is copied to the archive tape. (Refer topage 4-34.)
Write a Trailer Page
Whentbtape reaches the last page of the last chunk, the disk-reading portion
ofthe archive procedure is complete. The tbtape process writes a trailer page
to the tape, marking the end of the archive tape.
Update the Reserved Pages
Asthe last step in the archive process, tbtape updates the active PAGE_ARCH
reserved page with the newest archive information.

