Operating OnLine 3-93

Change the Size of Either Log Buffer

From DB-Monitor
1. From withinDB-Monitor, select the Parameters menu, Shared-
Memoryoption to change the number of page buffers in the shared-
memory pool. Change the value in the fieldMax # of Buffers.
2. Reinitialize shared memory (take OnLine offline and then to
quiescent mode) for the change to take effect.
From the Command Line
1. To change the value ofBUFFERS from the command line, use an
editor to edit the file specified by$ INFORMIXDIR/etc/$TBCONFIG.
2. Change the value of BUFFERS. Reinitialize shared memory (take
OnLine offline and then to quiescent mode) for the change to take
Change the Size of Either Log Buffer
This section provides instructions for changing the size of either the three
logical log buffers or the two physical log buffers. Refer topage 2-63 for
further information about the physical log buffers. Refer topage 2-66 for
further information about the logical log buffers.
Thesize of each of the three logical log buffers is specified as LOGBUFF in the
configurationfile. The size of each of the two physical log buffers is specified
The buffer size is expressed in kilobytes. The recommended value for both
parameters is 16 pages. The minimum value is one page, although small
bufferscan create problems if you are storing records that are larger than the
size of the buffers (for example, blobs in dbspaces).
Youcan make this change while OnLine is in online mode, but it will not take
effect until you reinitialize shared memory (take OnLine offline and then to
quiescent or online mode).
Ifyou are logged in as user informix, you can make this change from within
DB-Monitoror from the command line. If you are logged in as root, you must
use the command-line option.