Index 11

Physical page number 2-124
PREPARE logical log record 9-44
Presumed-abort optimization
description of 9-20
implications of 9-29
Psort sorting package 5-22
PSORT_DBTEMP environment
variable 5-23
PSORT_NPROCS environment
variable 5-22
Quiescent archive
description of 3-44
Quiescent mode
description of 3-7
Railroad diagrams
conventions used in Intro-9
example of syntax
conventions Intro-12
Raw disk space
description of 1-40
how to allocate 1-48
Recovery mode 3-7
Release notes Intro-18
Remainder page
description of 2-127
Remote archive
description of 3-44
syntax for specifying
Reserved pages
description of 2-95
location in a chunk 2-89
location in root dbspace 2-87
RESIDENT parameter
changing 3-100
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-32
rofferr script, use and
syntax Intro-17
Root dbspace
description of 1-21, 2-84
disk layout
for learning environment 1-44
for production
environment 1-44
disk space requirements 1-41
mirroring 1-24
structure 2-87
ROOTNAME parameter
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-21
ROOTOFFSET parameter
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-22
when is it needed 1-48
ROOTPATH parameter
changes for multiple
residency 9-12
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-22
specifying as a link 1-22
ROOTSIZE parameter
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-23
component of index key
value 2-134
description of 2-123
functions as forward
pointer 2-125
locking information derived
from 7-89
obtaining for a data row 3-77
relation to slot table 2-122
role in buffer acquisition 2-61
storedin index pages 2-124, 2-133
unaffected by page
compression 2-124
relationship to latch
acquistion 2-43
UNIX parameters 2-20
SERVERNUM parameter
changes for multiple
residency 9-13
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-31
role in attaching to shared
memory 2-25
role in multiple residency 9-10
Shared memory
buffer pool 2-55
changing number of buffers 3-92
changing residency with
tbmode 7-68
components of 2-39
copying to a file 3-84
created during initialization 2-12
description of 2-22, 2-36
effect of UNIX kernel
parameters 2-18
eliminating resource
bottlenecks 5-8
header 2-47
how user processes attach to 2-24
initial configuration values 1-32
initialization commands 2-9
initialization, definition of 2-8
initialization, what happens
during 2-10
key used in attaching 2-25
latches 2-41
parameters screen in DB-
Monitor 1-53
process isolation and buffer
locks 2-38
resource management 2-40
resources, tuning for
performance 5-14
segment identifiers 2-24
size displayed by tbstat 7-81
tables 2-39, 2-48
unmet resource requests 5-11
SHMBASE parameter
description of 1-17, 2-26
effect of UNIX parameters 2-20
illustration of virtual address
space 2-23
initial configuration value 1-37
role in attaching to shared
memory 2-26
graceful 3-10
immediate 3-11
mode, description of 3-7