2-104 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
tblspace Tblspace
Ifnewly freed space is contiguous with existing free space, only the length of
the existing entry is changed; otherwise, a new entry is created.
Illustrated here is a sample listing from a chunk free-list page.
Ifan additional chunk free-list page is needed to accommodate new entries,
anew chunk free-list page is created in one of the free pages in the chunk. The
chunkfree-list pages are chained in a linked list. Each free-list page contains
entriesthat describe all free space starting with the next page and continuing
to the next chunk free-list page or to the end of the chunk.
tblspace Tblspace
Inthe initial chunk of every dbspace, the page that follows the chunk free-list
page is the first page of the tblspace tblspace. The tblspace tblspace is a
collectionof pages that describe the location and structure of all tblspaces in
this dbspace. Figure2-18 illustrates the location of the tblspace tblspace.
Chunk Offset Number of Free Pages
14 28
123 36
208 52
The tblspace
tblspace appears in
every dbspace,
following the
reserved pages and
the chunk free-list
Tblspace tblspace
Chunk free-list page
Free pages