Data Consistency, Recovery, and Migration 4-61
Using UNLOAD with LOAD or dbloadCreate and Edit the Schema File First
Usedbschema to create a schema file for the database or table that will
receive the data, if it does not yet exist.
Afterthe schema file is created, you can edit the file with a system editor. By
editingthe schema file, you can change access privileges, object (table, index,
orview) ownership, lock mode, or initial and next extent sizes. Otherwise, all
privileges and ownership remain unchanged.
Thedbschema utility gives all SERIAL fields included in CREATE TABLE state-
mentsa starting value of 1. If this is not acceptable, you must edit the schema
Verify Adequate Disk Space for Data
Usethe UNLOAD statement to unload a table or specific columns in a table to
one or moreASCII files.
You specify the output filename for each ASCII file as part of theUNLOAD
statement syntax. Ensure that adequate disk space is available to store the
ASCII files. Otherwise, an error is returned.
Move Files
Move the ASCII input files and the schema file to the new host machine (or
to the new directory if you are exporting to anIBM Informix SE database
Create the New Database or Tables
If the new database or table does not yet exist, create it.
To create a database, either run the schema file or execute theCREATE
DATABASEstatement. To create atable, either runthe schema file or execute
theCREATE TABLE statement.
Users might need to modify their DBPATH environment variable setting to
reflect the new database location.