Installation and Initial Configuration 1-15
Contents of tbconfig.std
LRUS specifies the number of LRU (least-recently used) queues. TheLRU
queuesmanage the shared-memory buffer pool. Refer to page 1-37 for infor-
mation about setting the value of this parameter.
LRU_MAX_DIRTY specifies the percentage of modified pages in theLRU
queuesthat, when reached, flags the queue to be cleaned. Refer to page 1-37
for information about setting the value of this parameter.
LRU_MIN_DIRTY specifies the percentage of modified pages in theLRU
queuesthat, when reached, flags the page cleaners that cleaning is no longer
mandatory, although it might continue for other reasons. Refer topage 1-38
for information about setting the value of this parameter.
LTAPEBLK specifies in kilobytes the size of the tape block for the logical log
backup tape device. Refer to page1-30 for information about setting the
value of this parameter.
LTAPEDEV specifies the device pathname of the logical log backup tape
device. Refer topage 1-30 for information about setting the value of this
LTAPESIZEspecifiesin kilobytes the maximum amount of data that should be
stored on a tape mounted on the logical log backup tape device. Refer to
page 1-31 for information about setting the value of this parameter.
LTXEHWM specifies the “long transaction, exclusive access, high-water
mark.”The LTXEHWM is a higher percentage than the LTXHWM percentage.
Ifthe logical log fills to LTXEHWM, the long transaction currently being rolled
backis given “exclusive” access to the logical log. The term “exclusive” is not
entirelyaccurate. Most OnLine activity is suspended until the transaction has
completedits rollback, but transactions that are in the process of rolling back
or committing retain access to the logical log. Refer topage 1-38 for infor-
mation about setting the value of this parameter.
LTXHWM specifies the “long transaction high-water mark.” The value of
LTXHWM is the percentage of available logical log space that, when filled,
triggers thetbinit daemon to check for a long transaction. If a long trans-
actionis found, the transaction is aborted and the executing OnLine database
server process rolls back all modifications associated with it. Refer to
page 1-38 for information about setting the value of this parameter.