Data Consistency, Recovery, and Migration 4-9
Setting Consistency-Checking Variables
The problem text briefly describes the type of consistency error. Theprocess#
identifiesthe OnLine database server process identification number (pid) that
encounteredthe error. The user# is the user identification number as defined
inthe UNIX /etc/passwd file. The address is the address of the database server
process in shared memory. Locate the user login and try to discover the
operationbeing performed at the time of the error. This information might be
valuable for diagnostic purposes.
Most of the general consistency-checking messages are followed by
additionalinformation that usually includes the tblspace where the error was
detected.If this information is available, run tbcheck -cD on the database or
table. If this check verifies the inconsistency, unload the data from the table,
drop the table, re-create the table, and reload the data. Otherwise, no other
action is needed.
Amessage is also sent to the application process. The content of the message
depends on the operation in progress. However in all cases the following
ISAM error is returned:
-105 ISAM error: bad isam file format
Tip: Chapter8, which describes the messages that might appear in the OnLine
message log, provides additional details about the objectives and contents of consis-
tency-checking messages.
Setting Consistency-Checking Variables
OnLinerecognizes four variables in the user’s environment, which, when set,
directOnLine to preserve diagnostic information whenever an inconsistency
isdetected or whenever OnLine enters into an abort sequence. To take effect,
the variables must be set at the time that the user’s OnLine database server
process is started.
You decide whether your users set these variables. Diagnostic output can
consume a large amount of disk space. (The exact content depends on the
environment variables set and yourUNIX system.) The elements of the
output could include a copy of shared memory and/or a core dump of the
database server process.