Installation and Initial Configuration 1-37
Shared-Memory Parameter Guidelines
CKPTINTVL specifies the maximum interval, expressed in seconds, that can
elapse before OnLine checks to determine if a checkpoint is needed. The
default value forCKPTINTVL is 300 seconds, or five minutes.
DB-Monitordoes not prompt for this value during initialization. You can tune
this parameter to affect performance. Refer topage 5-20.
LRUSspecifies the number of LRU (least recently used) queues in the shared-
memory buffer pool. The role of theLRU queues is described on page 2-58.
Thedefault value for LRUS is the larger of USERS/2 or 8, where USERS is the
value of the configuration parameter.DB-Monitor does not prompt for this
value during initialization. You can tune this parameter to affect perfor-
mance. Refer topage 5-19.
LRU_MAX_DIRTY specifies the percentage of modified pages in theLRU
queues that, when reached, flags the queue to be cleaned. The interaction
betweenthe page-cleaner daemon processes and the LRU queues is described
onpage 2-58.
The default value forLRU_MAX_DIRTY is 60 percent.
DB-Monitordoes not prompt for this value during initialization. You can tune
this parameter to affect performance. Refer topage 5-19.
LRU_MIN_DIRTY specifies the percentage of modified pages in theLRU
queuesthat, when reached, flags the page cleaners that cleaning is no longer
mandatory. Page cleaners might continue cleaning beyond this point under
some circumstances. The interaction between the page-cleaner daemon
processes and theLRU queues is described on page 2-58.
The default value for LRU_MAX_DIRTY is 50 percent.