OnLine Message Log 8-5
Alphabetized Messages
Alphabetized Messages
Aborting Long Transaction: tx 0xn
The logical log has filled beyond the long transaction high-water mark
(LTXHWM) and the offending long transaction is in the process of rolling
back.No additional action is needed. The address of the transaction structure
in shared memory is displayed as hexadecimal value.
allocpage: warning pagenum (nn) > npused (nn)
allocpage: partp (0xn), partnum (0xn)
allocrow: warning pagenum (nn) > npused (xx)
allocrow: partp (0xn), partnum (0xn)
allocvrow: warning pagenum (nn) > npused (xx)
allocvrow: partp (0xn), partnum (0xn)
Forall three of these message sets, OnLine detected one or more inaccuracies
inthe internal information that describes the size of the tblspace indicated by
the value ofpartnum (partnum is the tblspace number expressed as a
hexadecimal value). No action is needed. OnLine handles the situation
The value of pagenum is the logical page number within the tblspace, the
valueof npused is the number of used pages in the tblspace, and the value of
partpis the address of the tblspace tblspace in shared memory (expressed as
a hexadecimal value).
Attempt to write nn pages from a nn page buffer.
OnLine detected a logical log buffer overflow. No action is needed. OnLine
handles the situation internally.
Attempt to write nn pages from a nn page logfile.
OnLine detected a logical log file overflow. No action is needed. OnLine
handles the situation internally.