Product Environment 9-59
Track a Transaction with tbstat Output
Important: Intbstat -k output, the owner field still displays the address of the
database server process that owns the transaction. This address corresponds to the
addressdisplayed in the user fieldofthe transactions section of tbstat -u output and
not to the transactionaddress field.
Tracking a Global Transaction
When a global transaction starts, it receives a unique identification number
calleda GTRID (global transaction identification). Two pieces of information
are contained in theGTRID:
The name of the coordinating OnLinedatabase server
The number ID of the coordinating OnLine database server
Whena participating OnLine database server receives its piece of work from
the coordinator, the associatedGTRID is mapped to a transaction identifi-
cation number at the participating OnLine. The transaction identification
numberis the entry, or slot, of the transaction in the participant OnLine trans-
actiontable. (This number appears as xid inthelogical log records associated
with the transaction. Refer to page7-55 for more information about the
logical log record contents.)
Transactioninformation is stored in the OnLine shared-memory transaction
table. Transaction-specific information is displayed in the second section of
tbstat-u output according to the address of the entry in the transaction table.
As an administrator, you are usually concerned only with the shared-
memory address of the transaction. (You might be required to track infor-
mation by theGTRID or by the transaction identification number if you are
performing manual recovery. How to do this is explained in the discussion
that begins onpage 9-51.)
Transaction address Field
The transaction address field displays the address of this transaction entry
inthe OnLine shared-memory transaction table. Use this address to interpret
OnLine message log messages that include the transaction address. This
address is the required parameter to kill a transaction usingtbmode -Z. (As
administrator, you should not require the transaction identification number
unless you must perform manual recovery.)