In This Chapter .................... 7-5
dbexport: Unload a Database and Schema File ......... 7-5
Syntax ...................... 7-6
Destination Options ................. 7-7
Contents of the Schema File .............. 7-9
dbimport: Create a Database ............... 7-10
Syntax ...................... 7-11
Input File Location Options .............. 7-12
Create Options ................... 7-14
dbload: Load Data from a Command File ........... 7-15
Syntax ...................... 7-16
Command-File Syntax Check .............. 7-18
Starting Line Number ................ 7-18
Batch Size..................... 7-19
Bad-Row Limits .................. 7-20
How to Create a Command File ............. 7-21
Delimiter Form FILE Statement ............ 7-22
Delimiter Form INSERT Statement........... 7-23
Delimiter Form Statement Examples .......... 7-24
Character-Position FILE Statement........... 7-26
Character-Position INSERT Statement ......... 7-28
Character-Position Statement Examples ......... 7-29
dbschema: Output SQL Statements ............. 7-32
Syntax ...................... 7-32
Include Synonyms.................. 7-33
Include Privileges .................. 7-34
Specify a Table, View, or Procedure ............ 7-35