8-14 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Alphabetized Messages
Empty B-tree node 0xn; Unable to do CopyBack
OnLine detected B+ tree corruption. Drop and re-create the index using the
SQL statements DROPINDEX and CREATE INDEX. AnISAM error number is
returned to the user. Node0xn is the index node where the corruption was
detected,expressed as a hexadecimal value. To determine which index must
be re-created, runtbcheck -cI on the table.
ERROR - bfput (BF_MODIFY) not in Critical Section. us 0xn pid 0xn
OnLinedetected a consistency-check failure indicating that some unexpected
eventpermitted this user process to hold a modified buffer without flagging
that the process was in a critical section. The userID and process ID of the
user process are displayed as hexadecimal values. Please contact Informix
technical support for additional assistance resolving thissituation.
ERROR - flalloc: failed OPN_TST() userp 0xn partp 0xn
OnLinedetected a situation in which a table that should have been open for
a user was not open. The hexadecimal value ofuserp is the address of the
user structure in shared memory; the hexadecimal value ofpartp is the
address of the tblspace structure in shared memory.
ERROR:logput() - type nn len nn.
OnLinedetected an error while attempting to add a logical log record to the
currentlog file. This message is always accompanied by one of the following
logput() not in critical section,”which indicates that an attempt to
add a record was made while the user process was not in a critical section.
logput() not in transaction,”which indicates that a BEGIN log record
has not been written.
logput() -logwrite() FAILED,”which indicates that an attempt to flush
the current logical log buffer failed.
logput()-logsetup() FAILED,”which indicates that an attempt to set up
a log page to receive the new log record failed.
logput()-unknown,” which indicates that the cause of the failure is