Installation and Initial Configuration 1-45
OnLine Disk Space Allocation
Figure1-2 illustrates four guidelines for planning the physical layout of yourOnLinedata. Each guideline is described in detail in the text that follows.
Guidelines for planning your disk layout
Consider mirroring
Locate a primary chunk and its mirror chunk on different disks.
primary mirror
high-use table Locatehigh-use tableson theirown deviceat thecenter ofthe disk
or spread them across multiple devices.
Isolate high-use tables
Consider rapidly growing tables
table 1 extents
table 2 extents
table 3 extents
Avoid dbspace fragmentation caused by improperly sized extents.
Plan for the final location of the physical and logical logs
Separate the logs and locate them on disks not shared by active tables.
logical log physical log
disk platter