System Architecture 2-89

Structure of a Regular Dbspace

Structure of a Regular Dbspace
After disk space initialization, you can add new dbspaces. When you create
adbspace, you assign at least one chunk (either raw or cooked disk space) to
the dbspace. This is the initial, primary chunk.Figure 2-13 illustrates the
structure of the initial chunk of a regular (nonroot) dbspace.
When the dbspace is first created, it contains the following structures:
Tworeserved pages (duplicates of the first two reserved pages in the
root dbspace,page 2-95)
The first chunk free-list page in the chunk (page2-103)
The tblspace tblspace for this dbspace (page 2-104)
Unused pages
Structures within
theinitial chunk of a
regular dbspace,
after the dbspace is
Chunk free-list page
Tblspace tblspace
(initial chunk)
Unused pages