7-14 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

Create Options

Create Options
Adatabase that is ANSI-compliant uses unbuffered logging. In addition, the
ANSI rules for transaction logging are enabled. For more information about
ANSI-compliant databases, see the CREATEDATABASE statement in
IBMInformix Guide to SQL: Reference.
If you do not specify a dbspace name, the database is created in the root
dbspace by default.
The-l option is equivalent to the WITH LOG clause of the CREATE DATABASE
The following command imports thestores5 database from the
/usr/informix/port/stores5.expdirectory into the current directory. The new
database isANSI -compliant, and the transaction log file is specified as
stores5.log in/usr/work.
dbimport -c stores5 -i /usr/informix/port -ansi /usr/work/stores5.log
-ansi creates anANSI-compliant database.
-d dbspace namesthe OnLine dbspace where the database will be created.
-l establishes unbuffered transaction logging for the imported
-l buffered establishes buffered transaction logging for the imported
-ansi buffered